Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2002/06/14/08:37:13
With the concensus that we should be figuring out what goes into the 2.04
and 2.05 releases I think that we should also have (if time and resources
permit) a parallel project that also works on getting a set of updated
packages ready for the release at the same time as 2.04. IMHO we allready
have a stating point for this with the packages that are available at the
2.04 page at clio.
Overall I think that I can help out by trying to co-ordinate and come up
with the list of other packages that should be made available at the same
time as the updated 2.04 along with trying to come up with a test matrix so
that we can hopefully ensure that we have done some testing on the main
platforms that DJGPP will be used on. Does anyone allready have any lists
or info that would help me out with this job?
As I see it the following packages need to be updated / released / re-built
with the 2.04 release :-
bsh205ab BASH 2.05a Binary (W2K Test binary file)
bnu2112b Bin Utils (W2K Test binary file)
bsn135b Bison 1.3.5 (W2K Test binary file)
dif28b Diff 2.8 (W2K Test binary file)
fil40b File Utils 4.0 (W2K Test binary file)
find417b Find 4.1.7 binary (W2K Test binary file)
flx254b Flex 2.54 binary (W2K Test binary file)
gwk311b Gawk and Awk 3.1.1 (W2K Test binary file)
gdb52b GDB GNU Debugger 5.2 (W2K Test binary file)
gtxt040b GNU Get Text 10.40(W2K Test binary file)
gzip133b GnuZip 1.3.3 (W2K Test binary file)
gro116b GNU Roff 1.1.6 (W2K Test binary file)
grep251b Grep 2.51 Binary (W2K Test binary file)
ind225b Indent 2.2.5 (W2K Test binary file)
lss374b Less 3.7.4 (W2K Test binary file)
m4-14b GNU M4 (W2K Test binary file)
mak3792b Make (W2K Test binary file)
pat253b Patch 2.5.3 (W2K Test binary file)
perl561b Perl (W2K Test binary file)
sed3028b SED 3.0.280(W2K Test binary file)
shl2011b GNU Sh-utils 2.0.11 (W2K Test binary file)
tar112ab Tar 1.1.2 (W2K Test binary file)
txi42b Text Info 4.2 (W2K Test binary file)
txt20b Text Utils 2.0 (W2K Test binary file)
whic213b Which 2.13 (W2K Test binary file)
1) This list is the minimal list that I use or need in order to re-build
the packages.
2) Also required are some files from the web2c package, but I have not
have time to get the package fully building.
3) There are some alpha and beta versions of packages in the list.
Does anyone have any other packages that should be added to the list. The
ones that I can think of should be included are as follows:-
- EMACs - what can I say.
- Rhide if it makes it out or a version in the V2APP\beta directory.
Needed by allot of the end users.
- Info ZIP - Do people use this?
Is there a way of finding out what zip files people download? This would
give a list of the files that should be updated as people download the files
to use (majority of people).
In order that we do not release 2.04 which will not work on certain
platforms we need to come up with a matrix of OS's that need to be tested
and a series of tests that needs to be done to ensure that the tools are
self hosting on the OS and that a rudimentry set of tests are done so that
the end users won't bombard the djgpp newsgroup with problems once the 2.04
is released. The matrix could be as simple as the following:-
Test \OS | MS-DOS 6 | FreeDOS | W95 | W98 | WME | W2K |
WXP Home | WXP Pro | NT 4.0 ?????|
Build CVS | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N |
Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N |
Build Packages| Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N
| Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N |
CVS Test suite | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N
| Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N |
Test A | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N |
Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N | Y/N |
Could people send me a personnel email over the weekend on what they think
are appropriate tests and OS's. I will put them into a single posting early
next week. This is to stop a flood of mail. If you do email me could you
please list the OS's that you use DJGPP on or need to run DJGPP produced
exes on, this will give me a list of OS's that are needed.
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