Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/2001/01/17/23:10:16
At 06:59 PM 1/17/01 +0100, Martin Str|mberg wrote:
>According to Peter J. Farley III:
>> Martin, would you please try WinExplorer/Properties and the various
>> versions of df.exe and statfs.c on the Alpha Centauri game's
>> CDROM? Here are the results I get on my system:
>> WinExplorer/Properties: 483,557,376 = 472,224 * 1024 = 236,112 *
>Alas WINDOZE's Properties says: 482,476,032 = 471,168 * 1024 for my
>Alpha Centauri disc. So it seems we have different versions. The
>on mine is SMAC-E1_0Z according to WINDOZE.
Same label as mine. What are the most recent file dates on yours? My
latest 5 are:
AUTORUN EXE 606,208 01-15-99 3:53p autorun.exe
SETUP BMP 298,678 01-15-99 3:49p setup.bmp
DATA1 CAB 164,085 01-14-99 5:10p
LAYOUT BIN 353 01-14-99 5:10p layout.bin
SETUP LID 47 01-14-99 5:10p setup.lid
Then again, you may have a European version. Mine is the USA version.
>Let see what Partition Magic 5.0 yields.
>kant:~> uname -a
>Linux kant 2.0.33 #1 Fri Aug 21 06:21:28 CEST 1998 i586 unknown
>kant:~> df /cdrom/
>Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
>/dev/hdc 141304 141304 0 100% /cdrom
>WINDOZE's Properties:
>144,670,720 = 141,280 * 1024.
>'s df:
>141,912 kiB
>df compiled with AX=7303 and AX=7302 calls:
>141,912 kiB
>So there's no discrepancy between df versions for this CD.
>Were we made any wiser? (If we were, I must have missed it.)
Yes we are, because your WinProperties and and new df.exe
agree. On my system, WinProperties and May 2000 df.exe do *not* agree,
and my test compile of your new statfs.c .
My Partition Magic 5.0 CD is *much* smaller than yours, but here are my
results for my copy:
My WinProperties says 68,878,336 = 67,264 * 1024 = 33,632 * 2048
April 1997 df says:
O:\>f:\eudora\attach\df z:
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
PM_40 67888 67888 0 100% z:/
August 1997 df says:
M:\>df z:
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
PM_40 67264 67264 0 100% z:/
May 2000 df says the same as April 1997 df:
O:\bin>df z:
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
PM_40 67888 67888 0 100% z:/
statfs.c from 1997 says:
O:\src\libc\compat\sys\vfs>statfs97 z:
After AX1510: bsize = 2048, free = 0, blocks = 33944.
Results for `z:':
Total blocks: 33944
Available blocks: 0
Block size: 2048
This is 67,888 blocks of 1024, the same as April 1997 df.exe.
statfs.c from Martin says:
O:\src\libc\compat\sys\vfs>statfsms z:
After AX1510: bsize = 2048, free = 0, blocks = 33944.
After AX7303: bsize = 32768, free = 0, blocks = 2102.
After AX7303+DVD chk: bsize = 2048, free = 0, blocks = 33944.
Results for `z:':
Total blocks: 33944
Available blocks: 0
Block size: 2048
AX1510 says 67,888 blocks of 1024, same as April 1997 df.exe and May
2000 df.exe.
AX7303 says 68,878,336 = 67,264 * 1024 = 33,632 * 2048, the same as
WinProperties and August 1997 df.exe.
I think this is beginning to establish that my system is somehow
different or buggy. Can someone besides Martin with Win98SE try any of
the CD's I listed earlier, or any CD for that matter, and see if
WinProperties returns the same results as df.exe from
5-26-2000? Especially if you have *NOT* upgraded to MS Internet
Explorer 5.5, because IE5.5 updates a large part of Win98. If others
get identical results from these two (which my system does not), I
would say we have proved my system is the miscreant, and somehow
defective (gee, I wonder who's to blame for that, Mr. Bill?).
Actually, I suspect WinProperties was updated (possibly by IE5.5,
possibly in earlier updates) to use AX7303, and that is what is being
seen here.
I think Martin's statfs.c is OK as is, based on what we have seen so
far. What remains to be proven is whose cluster count (re-scaled or
otherwise) is actually correct. I have no tools to count the total
clusters on a CD independently of these interrupt functions, but if
anyone does it would be truly interesting to see the
results. Especially since Linux and Unix report a third count,
different from either of the others.
Peter J. Farley III (pjfarley AT dorsai DOT org OR
pjfarley AT banet DOT net)
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