Mail Archives: djgpp-workers/1998/10/08/20:36:56
Dear Eric Rudd,
Appended are two reports in Cody-Waite table format that recap
the results of tests on 14 of your functions. These are the
elementary math functions.
In general, your functions perform as well or better on these
tests than the equivalent functions in the new libm.a library.
The exceptions are in the sine and cosine functions which do
not perform adequately on large arguments.
As you know, the Elefunt functions also perform tests for special
values. I will forward the full reports separately.
K.B. Williams
Significand: 53 Bits
Arithmetic: Base 2
Test of acosh(x) vs. xacosh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: acosh(x) -53.11 0.00 -59.29 0.00 (+1, +1.5)
Test 2: acosh(x) -53.02 0.00 -59.02 0.00 (+1.5, +2)
Test 3: acosh(x) -53.08 0.00 -59.16 0.00 (+2, +10)
Test 4: acosh(x) -53.10 0.00 -58.95 0.00 (+35, +55)
Test 5: acosh(x) -53.28 0.00 -59.07 0.00 (2^27, 2^108)
Test of asin(x) vs. xasin(x) & acos(x) vs. xacos(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: asin(x) -53.03 0.00 -59.20 0.00 (-0.125, 0.125)
Test 2: acos(x) -53.54 0.00 -59.38 0.00 (-0.125, 0.125)
Test 3: asin(x) -53.06 0.00 -59.16 0.00 (0.5, 1)
Test 4: acos(x) -53.04 0.00 -59.25 0.00 (0.5, 1)
Test 5: acos(x) -53.10 0.00 -59.07 0.00 (-1, -0.5)
Test of asinh(x) vs. xasinh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: asinh(x) -53.05 0.00 -59.29 0.00 (+0, +0.5)
Test 2: asinh(x) -53.06 0.00 -59.22 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 3: asinh(x) -53.12 0.00 -59.26 0.00 (+10, +1E+10)
Test 4: asinh(x) -53.60 0.00 -59.48 0.00 (+1E+10, +1E+11)
Test of atan(x) vs. xatan(x) & atan2(x,y) vs. xatan2(x,y):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: atan(x) -53.02 0.00 -59.25 0.00 (-0.0625, 0.0625)
Test 2: atan(x) -53.02 0.00 -59.20 0.00 (0.0625, 1)
Test 3: atan2(x,y) -53.07 0.00 -59.25 0.00 x: (-0.0625, +0.0625)
y: (-0.0625, +0.0625)
Test 4: atan2(x,y) -53.06 0.00 -59.18 0.00 x: (+0.0625, +1.5)
y: (-1.5, -0.0625)
Test of atanh(x) vs. xatanh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: atanh(x) -53.06 0.00 -59.23 0.00 (+0, +0.5)
Test 2: atanh(x) -53.07 0.00 -59.21 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 3: atanh(x) -53.02 0.00 -59.25 0.00 (+0.9375, +1)
Test of exp(x) vs. xexp(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: exp(x) -53.12 0.00 -59.21 0.00 (-0.5*log(2), +0.5*log(2))
Test 2: exp(x) -52.85 0.15 -59.15 0.00 (-670, -0.5*log(2))
Test 3: exp(x) -52.79 0.21 -59.18 0.00 (10*log(2), +709)
Test of log1p(x) vs xlog(1+x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: log1p(x) -53.06 0.00 -59.20 0.00 (-0.3125, 0.3125)
Test 2: log1p(x) -53.05 0.00 -59.28 0.00 (-1.49E-08, 1.49E-08)
Test 3: log1p(x) -53.04 0.00 -59.11 0.00 (16, 240)
Test of log(x) vs xlog(x) and log10(x) vs xlog10(x)
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: log(x) -53.09 0.00 -59.27 0.00 (1-7.6E-06, 1+7.6E-06)
Test 2: log(x) -53.07 0.00 -59.16 0.00 (sqrt(0.5), 15/16)
Test 3: log10(x) -53.02 0.00 -59.24 0.00 (sqrt(0.1), 0.9)
Test 4: log(x) -53.12 0.00 -59.10 0.00 (16, 240)
Test of pow(x,p) vs. xpow(x,p):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: pow(x,1) -(INF) 0.00 -(INF) 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 2: pow(x*x,1.5) -53.10 0.00 -59.25 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 3: pow(x*x,1.5) -52.86 0.14 -59.20 0.00 (+1.0, +5.6438E+102)
Test 4: pow(x,y) -53.04 0.00 -59.19 0.00 x: (+0.01, +10)
y: (-154.127, +154.127)
Test of sin(x) vs. xsin(x) & cos(x) vs. xcos(x) (1000 arguments per test):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: sin(x) -53.08 0.00 -59.38 0.00 (0.0, pi/2)
Test 2: cos(x) -53.03 0.00 -59.36 0.00 (0.0, pi/2)
Test 3: sin(x) -53.08 0.00 -59.37 0.00 (6*pi, 6.5*pi)
Test 4: cos(x) -53.07 0.00 -59.38 0.00 (7*pi, 7.5*pi)
Test 5: sin(x) 0.00 53.00 -5.48 47.52 (1e22, 1e31)
Test 6: cos(x) 1.00 54.00 -4.69 48.31 (1e22, 1e31)
Test of sinh(x) vs. xsinh(x) & cosh(x) vs. xcosh(x) (1000 arguments per test):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: sinh(x) -53.04 0.00 -59.26 0.00 (0, 0.5)
Test 2: cosh(x) -53.01 0.00 -58.82 0.00 (0, 0.5)
Test 3: sinh(x) -52.88 0.12 -59.20 0.00 (3, 709.78)
Test 4: cosh(x) -52.89 0.11 -59.18 0.00 (3, 709.78)
Test 5: sinh(x) -53.08 0.00 -59.23 0.00 (1E-07, 2E-07)
Test of sqrt(x) vs. xsqrt(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: sqrt(x) -53.78 0.00 -59.62 0.00 (0.5, 1)
Test 2: sqrt(x) -53.53 0.00 -59.51 0.00 (1, 2)
Test of tan(x) vs. xtan(x) & cot(x) vs. xcot(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: tan(x) -53.05 0.00 -59.27 0.00 (0, pi/4)
Test 2: tan(x) -53.07 0.00 -59.21 0.00 (0.875*pi, 1.125*pi)
Test 3: tan(x) -53.02 0.00 -59.24 0.00 (6.000*pi, 6.250*pi)
Test of tanh(x) vs. xtanh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: tanh(x) -53.08 0.00 -59.28 0.00 (+0, +0.5493061443)
Test 2: tanh(x) -53.66 0.00 -60.50 0.00 (+0.0625, 54+log(2))
Significand: 53 Bits
Arithmetic: Base 2
Test of acosh(x) vs. xacosh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: acosh(x) -51.46 1.54 -58.20 0.00 (+1, +1.5)
Test 2: acosh(x) -52.18 0.82 -58.62 0.00 (+1.5, +2)
Test 3: acosh(x) -52.69 0.31 -59.05 0.00 (+2, +10)
Test 4: acosh(x) -52.88 0.12 -58.94 0.00 (+35, +55)
Test 5: acosh(x) -53.30 0.00 -59.11 0.00 (2^27, 2^108)
Test of asin(x) vs. xasin(x) & acos(x) vs. xacos(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: asin(x) -53.12 0.00 -59.27 0.00 (-0.125, 0.125)
Test 2: acos(x) -53.55 0.00 -59.44 0.00 (-0.125, 0.125)
Test 3: asin(x) -53.00 0.00 -59.16 0.00 (0.5, 1)
Test 4: acos(x) -53.04 0.00 -59.25 0.00 (0.5, 1)
Test 5: acos(x) -52.85 0.15 -58.99 0.00 (-1, -0.5)
Test of asinh(x) vs. xasinh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: asinh(x) -51.47 1.53 -58.30 0.00 (+0, +0.5)
Test 2: asinh(x) -51.56 1.44 -58.09 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 3: asinh(x) -53.27 0.00 -59.27 0.00 (+10, +1E+10)
Test 4: asinh(x) -53.60 0.00 -59.43 0.00 (+1E+10, +1E+11)
Test of atan(x) vs. xatan(x) & atan2(x,y) vs. xatan2(x,y):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: atan(x) -53.09 0.00 -59.26 0.00 (-0.0625, 0.0625)
Test 2: atan(x) -53.05 0.00 -59.21 0.00 (0.0625, 1)
Test 3: atan2(x,y) -52.33 0.67 -59.05 0.00 x: (-0.0625, +0.0625)
y: (-0.0625, +0.0625)
Test 4: atan2(x,y) -52.31 0.69 -58.94 0.00 x: (+0.0625, +1.5)
y: (-1.5, -0.0625)
Test of atanh(x) vs. xatanh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: atanh(x) -51.45 1.55 -58.25 0.00 (+0, +0.5)
Test 2: atanh(x) -52.34 0.66 -58.96 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 3: atanh(x) -52.89 0.11 -59.18 0.00 (+0.9375, +1)
Test of exp(x) vs. xexp(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: exp(x) -53.03 0.00 -59.23 0.00 (-0.5*log(2), +0.5*log(2))
Test 2: exp(x) -53.03 0.00 -59.23 0.00 (-670, -0.5*log(2))
Test 3: exp(x) -53.07 0.00 -59.21 0.00 (10*log(2), +709)
Test of log1p(x) vs xlog(1+x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: log1p(x) -51.60 1.40 -58.97 0.00 (-0.3125, 0.3125)
Test 2: log1p(x) -53.06 0.00 -59.26 0.00 (-1.49E-08, 1.49E-08)
Test 3: log1p(x) -53.10 0.00 -59.17 0.00 (16, 240)
Test of log(x) vs xlog(x) and log10(x) vs xlog10(x)
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: log(x) -53.05 0.00 -59.24 0.00 (1-7.6E-06, 1+7.6E-06)
Test 2: log(x) -53.01 0.00 -59.18 0.00 (sqrt(0.5), 15/16)
Test 3: log10(x) -52.77 0.23 -59.19 0.00 (sqrt(0.1), 0.9)
Test 4: log(x) -53.09 0.00 -59.10 0.00 (16, 240)
Test of pow(x,p) vs. xpow(x,p):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: pow(x,1) -(INF) 0.00 -(INF) 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 2: pow(x*x,1.5) -53.08 0.00 -59.24 0.00 (+0.5, +1)
Test 3: pow(x*x,1.5) -53.04 0.00 -59.24 0.00 (+1.0, +5.6438E+102)
Test 4: pow(x,y) -53.10 0.00 -59.27 0.00 x: (+0.01, +10)
y: (-154.127, +154.127)
Test of sin(x) vs. xsin(x) & cos(x) vs. xcos(x) (1000 arguments per test):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: sin(x) -52.91 0.09 -59.27 0.00 (0.0, pi/2)
Test 2: cos(x) -52.38 0.62 -58.99 0.00 (0.0, pi/2)
Test 3: sin(x) -53.05 0.00 -59.37 0.00 (6*pi, 6.5*pi)
Test 4: cos(x) -53.03 0.00 -59.38 0.00 (7*pi, 7.5*pi)
Test 5: sin(x) -52.26 0.74 -58.98 0.00 (1e22, 1e31)
Test 6: cos(x) -52.23 0.77 -59.03 0.00 (1e22, 1e31)
Test of sinh(x) vs. xsinh(x) & cosh(x) vs. xcosh(x) (1000 arguments per test):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: sinh(x) -53.02 0.00 -59.27 0.00 (0, 0.5)
Test 2: cosh(x) -52.82 0.18 -58.80 0.00 (0, 0.5)
Test 3: sinh(x) -52.91 0.09 -59.22 0.00 (3, 709.78)
Test 4: cosh(x) -52.44 0.56 -59.21 0.00 (3, 709.78)
Test 5: sinh(x) -53.06 0.00 -59.24 0.00 (1E-07, 2E-07)
Test of sqrt(x) vs. xsqrt(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: sqrt(x) -53.79 0.00 -59.65 0.00 (0.5, 1)
Test 2: sqrt(x) -53.51 0.00 -59.48 0.00 (1, 2)
Test of tan(x) vs. xtan(x) & cot(x) vs. xcot(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: tan(x) -53.05 0.00 -59.25 0.00 (0, pi/4)
Test 2: tan(x) -53.06 0.00 -59.21 0.00 (0.875*pi, 1.125*pi)
Test 3: tan(x) -53.01 0.00 -59.23 0.00 (6.000*pi, 6.250*pi)
Test of tanh(x) vs. xtanh(x):
(Log 2) Bits (Log 2) Bits Test
MRE Lost RMS E Lost Range
--- ---- ----- ---- -----
Test 1: tanh(x) -52.97 0.03 -59.26 0.00 (+0, +0.5493061443)
Test 2: tanh(x) -53.29 0.00 -60.44 0.00 (+0.0625, 54+log(2))
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