Mail Archives: djgpp/2007/09/02/15:30:29

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From: RayeR <glaux AT centrum DOT cz>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: running ring0 code under DJGPP
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 12:22:02 -0700
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Yeah, my idea seems to be working!
The GPF was caused probably by some wrong arguments handlig, see
below. I remove some code and now I can exec HLT ring0 instruction.
my ring0 code is folowing:

//***************** kod s opravnenim ring 0 - precte MSR dle ECX do
promennych na adresach [EBX], [EDI] (Win9x)
void ring0_rdmsr(void)                 // GCC bohuzel nepodporuje
__attribute__ ((naked)) na x86
{                                      // takze misto pointeru na
funkci pouzijeme ASM label
asm __volatile__ (
  "rdmsr_label:\n"                     // label at start of pure code
behind C-function prologue
  "lret\n"                             // far return from ring 0
//  "rdmsr\n"                            // read CPU MSR register
value to EDX:EAX
//  "movl %eax,(%ebx)\n"                 // mov dword ptr [ebx],eax
//  "movl %edx,(%edi)\n"                 // mov dword ptr [edi],edx
  );                                   // C-function epilogue will be
never reached

//***************** vrati adresu zacatku kodu funkce ring0_rdmsr podle
globalniho labelu (Win9x)
DWord ring0_rdmsr_address(void)        // adresa plati v ramci CS
  DWord addr;                          // address of labeled code
  asm __volatile__ ("movl $rdmsr_label,%%eax" : "=a" (addr)); // load
label address to EAX
  return(addr);                        // return address of labeled

if it is called via my callgate pointing to segment CS:offset with
DPL=3 it crashes. When I use my CS segment alias with DPL=0
it run without crash. Hope I'm near to finish it!
But I need some help with inline AT&T assembly (I really don't like
it) - I need to pass and get back some arguments
(three words: MSR index input, MSRH,MSRL output) I did it this way
(worked in mingw32):

//***************** Pres CallGate zavola kod v ring 0, in ECX, in/out
EDX:EAX (Win9x)
void exec_ring0_code(DWord code_address, DWord ecx, DWord *eax, DWord
  PM_FAR_POINTER ldt_callgate_ptr;     // 48-bit pointer na CallGate
  p_ldt_callgate_descriptor->offset_low=(Word)code_address; // offset
na ring0 funkci (low)
  p_ldt_callgate_descriptor->offset_high=(Word)(code_address>>16); //
offset na ring0 funkci (high)
(DWord)p_ldt_callgate_descriptor,ldt_ldtsel,ldt_callgate_selector.index*8,8); //
zapis do LDT
  ldt_callgate_ptr.offset=0;           // napln strukturu pointeru,
CallGate offset=0
  ldt_callgate_ptr.selector=ldt_callgate_selector; // CallGate
selector do GDT
printf ("\nCALL: %04X:%08lX [%04Xh]\n",*((Word *)(void
  asm __volatile__ (                   // volani CallGate
    "lcall *%0\n"                      // far call the CallGate to
enter ring 0, require code far return
    :                                  // no outputs (readed data
overwrites input arguments)
    : "m" (ldt_callgate_ptr)           // inputs
/*  asm __volatile__ (                   // volani CallGate
    "pushal\n"                         // store all registers to stack
    "cli\n"                            // disable interrupts
    "movl %0,%%ebx\n"                  // store pointer to low DWord
    "movl %1,%%edi\n"                  // store pointer to high DWord
    "movl %2,%%ecx\n"                  // store MSR index
    "lcall *%3\n"                      // far call the CallGate to
enter ring 0, require code far return
    "sti\n"                            // enable interrupts
    "popal\n"                          // restore all registers from
    :                                  // no outputs (readed data
overwrites input arguments)
    : "g" (eax), "g" (edx), "g" (ecx), "m" (ldt_callgate_ptr) //

in main() its called:

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