Mail Archives: djgpp/2004/07/27/04:33:07

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X-Admin: news AT aol DOT com
From: sterten AT aol DOT com (Sterten)
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Date: 27 Jul 2004 08:14:13 GMT
Organization: AOL Bertelsmann Online GmbH & Co. KG
Subject: assembly code of the "strange error" - program
Message-ID: <>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

OK, here is the assembly listing (excerts) for the "strange error" program.
I haven't yet figured out, what exactly went wrong
and why small program changes cause to program to terminate
without error.

here is, what was printed with
gcc -c -g -Wa,-a,-ad -O2 qser3.c 

I removed some lines (...) which appeared nonimportant to me
to reduce this posting.
The output is rather ugly, because many instructions require more than line
and because of the the ATT-assembly-code.
BTW. why is it used ? Is it easier for the disassembler or for historical
reasons or ?
The critical section, where it crashed starts below at 

  81:qser3.c       **** m55:r--;if(R[r]!=1)goto m55;
 542              		.loc 1 81 0

apparantly R is the variable with smallest address, so what
stands before R and why is it affected by small
changes in the program ?


GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s 			page 1

   1              		.file	"qser3.c"
   2              		.file 1 "qser3.c"
   3              		.section	.debug_abbrev,""
   4              	Ldebug_abbrev0:
   5              		.section	.debug_info,""
   6              	Ldebug_info0:
   7              		.section	.debug_line,""
   8              	Ldebug_line0:
   9 0000 37010000 		.section .text
   9      02005400 
   9      00000101 
   9      FB0E0A00 
   9      01010101 
  10              	Ltext0:
  11              		.file 2 "c:/djgpp/include/stdio.h"
  12              		.file 3 "c:/djgpp/include/stdlib.h"
  13              	.globl _R
  14              		.section .data
  15              		.p2align 5
  16              	_R:
  17 0000 00000000 		.long	0
  18 0004 00000000 		.space 392
  18      00000000 
  18      00000000 
  18      00000000 
  18      00000000 
  19              	.globl _C
  20 018c 00000000 		.p2align 5
  20      00000000 
  20      00000000 
  20      00000000 
  20      00000000 
  21              	_C:
  22 01a0 00000000 		.long	0
  23 01a4 00000000 		.space 392
  23      00000000 
  23      00000000 
  23      00000000 
  23      00000000 
  24              	.globl _solutions
  25              		.p2align 2
  26              	_solutions:


 539 06eb E90BFEFF 		jmp	L38
 539      FF
 540              		.p2align 4,,7
 541              	L44:
  75:qser3.c       **** m50:solutions++; 
  76:qser3.c       ****      for(x=0;x<=syms;x++)s2[x]=0;
  77:qser3.c       ****      for(x=1;x<=n;x++)s2[Sym[x][C[x]]]=1;
  78:qser3.c       ****      q=0;for(x=1;x<=syms;x++)q+=s2[x];
  79:qser3.c       **** //    
  80:qser3.c       ****  if(p){for(i=1;i<=n;i++)printf("%i ",C[i]);printf("
  81:qser3.c       **** m55:r--;if(R[r]!=1)goto m55;
 542              		.loc 1 81 0
 543 06f0 4F       		decl	%edi
 544 06f1 897DD8   		movl	%edi, -40(%ebp)
 545 06f4 893D1000 		movl	%edi, _r
 545      0000
 546 06fa 89FE     		movl	%edi, %esi
 547 06fc 833CBD80 		cmpl	$1, _R(,%edi,4)
 547      09000001 
 548 0704 75EA     		jne	L44
  82:qser3.c       ****     c=C[r];r2=n+1-r;c2=n+1-c;
 549              		.loc 1 82 0
 550              	L82:
GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s 			page 16

 551 0706 B8200B00 		movl	$_C, %eax
 551      00
 552 070b 8B4DC8   		movl	-56(%ebp), %ecx
 553 070e 8B55C8   		movl	-56(%ebp), %edx
 554 0711 29F9     		subl	%edi, %ecx
 555 0713 8B1CB8   		movl	(%eax,%edi,4), %ebx
 556 0716 41       		incl	%ecx
 557 0717 29DA     		subl	%ebx, %edx
  83:qser3.c       ****     R[r]=0;R[r2]=0;R[c]=0;R[c2]=0;
  84:qser3.c       ****     C[c]=0;C[c2]=0;C[r2]=0;//C[r]=0;
  85:qser3.c       ****     Col[c]=0;Col[c2]=0;Col[r]=0;Col[r2]=0;
  86:qser3.c       ****     Di1[r+c]=0;Di1[r2+c2]=0;Di1[c+r2]=0;Di1[r2+c]=0;

this is the critical part. r became negative some lines above
but that didn't already cause the program to crash.

here the corresponding lines from GDB :
0x1cf9 <main+1657>:	add    %ebx,%esi
0x1cfb <main+1659>:	inc    %edx
0x1cfc <main+1660>:	movl   $0x0,(%eax,%ebx,4)

crashing line, address 0x1cfc
I assume, it corresponds to the command : C[c]=0;

0x1d03 <main+1667>:	movl   $0x0,0xd0d0(,%edi,4)
0x1d0e <main+1678>:	movl   $0x0,(%eax,%edx,4)
0x1d15 <main+1685>:	mov    %esi,0xffffffd4(%ebp)
here some values and addresses from the running c-program,
(adding the line to print these values makes the program to
terminate without error)
r=-216 c=0 
&R=53968 &C=54384 &s2=65252 &Sym=69252 &xm=64356 &r=108484               
and here the registers from the error message:
C:\DJGPP>qser3 16 1 5
Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV
General Protection Fault at eip=00001cfc
eax=0000d270 ebx=a00f0706 ecx=00000099 edx=5ff0f90b esi=a00f067e edi=ffffff78
ebp=0009cd60 esp=0009cd10 program=C:\DJGPP\QSER3.EXE
cs: sel=00a7  base=10000000  limit=0009ffff
ds: sel=00af  base=10000000  limit=0009ffff
es: sel=00af  base=10000000  limit=0009ffff
fs: sel=008f  base=00026df0  limit=0000ffff
gs: sel=00bf  base=00000000  limit=0010ffff
ss: sel=00af  base=10000000  limit=0009ffff
App stack: [0009cd80..0001cd80]  Exceptn stack: [0001cce0..0001ada0]

Call frame traceback EIPs:

 558              		.loc 1 86 0
 559 0719 01DE     		addl	%ebx, %esi
 560              		.loc 1 82 0
 561 071b 42       		incl	%edx
 562              		.loc 1 84 0
 563 071c C7049800 		movl	$0, (%eax,%ebx,4)
 563      000000
 564              		.loc 1 83 0
 565 0723 C704BD80 		movl	$0, _R(,%edi,4)
 565      09000000 
 565      000000
 566              		.loc 1 84 0
 567 072e C7049000 		movl	$0, (%eax,%edx,4)
 567      000000
 568              		.loc 1 86 0
 569 0735 8975D4   		movl	%esi, -44(%ebp)
 570              		.loc 1 84 0
 571 0738 C7048800 		movl	$0, (%eax,%ecx,4)
 571      000000
 572              		.loc 1 82 0
 573 073f 891D1000 		movl	%ebx, _c
 573      0000
 574              		.loc 1 85 0
 575 0745 B8900100 		movl	$_Col, %eax
 575      00
 576              		.loc 1 82 0
 577 074a 89151000 		movl	%edx, _c2
 577      0000
 578              		.loc 1 83 0
 579 0750 C7048D80 		movl	$0, _R(,%ecx,4)


  94:qser3.c       **** 
  95:qser3.c       **** //  return 17;
  96:qser3.c       **** 
  97:qser3.c       **** }
 622              		.loc 1 97 0
 623 07f2 8D65F4   		leal	-12(%ebp), %esp
 624 07f5 5B       		popl	%ebx
 625 07f6 5E       		popl	%esi
 626 07f7 5F       		popl	%edi
 627 07f8 5D       		popl	%ebp
 628 07f9 C3       		ret
 629              	L41:
 630              		.loc 1 75 0
 631 07fa A1AC0C00 		movl	_solutions, %eax
 631      00
 632              		.loc 1 76 0
 633 07ff 8B1D1000 		movl	_syms, %ebx
 633      0000
 634              		.loc 1 75 0


 1652 00e1 6F00     		.ascii "o\0"
 1653 00e3 00000000 		.long	0x0
 1654              		.section	.debug_aranges,""
 1655 0000 1C000000 		.long	0x1c
GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s 			page 38

 1656 0004 0200     		.word	0x2
 1657 0006 00000000 		.long	Ldebug_info0
 1658 000a 04       		.byte	0x4
 1659 000b 00       		.byte	0x0
 1660 000c 0000     		.word	0x0
 1661 000e 0000     		.word	0x0
 1662 0010 00000000 		.long	Ltext0
 1663 0014 7C090000 		.long	Letext0-Ltext0
 1664 0018 00000000 		.long	0x0
 1665 001c 00000000 		.long	0x0
 1666              		.section	.debug_str,""
 1667              	LC5:
 1668 0000 6C6F6E67 		.ascii "long unsigned int\0"
 1668      20756E73 
 1668      69676E65 
 1668      6420696E 
 1668      7400
 1669              		.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 3.2"
GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s 			page 39

                            *ABS*:00000000 qser3.c
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s:16     .data:00000000 _R
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s:21     .data:000001a0 _C
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s:26     .data:0000032c _solutions
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s:30     .data:00000330 _p
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccKJ0PeS.s:47     .text:000000a0 _main
                            *COM*:00000010 _i
                            *COM*:00000010 _n
                            *COM*:00000010 _x
                            *COM*:00009930 _Sym
                            *COM*:00000010 _y
                            *COM*:00000010 _w
                            *COM*:00000010 _v
                            *COM*:00000010 _u
                            *COM*:00000010 _q
                            *COM*:00000010 _r
                            *COM*:00000010 _syms
                            *COM*:00000010 _x2
                            *COM*:00000010 _y2
                            *COM*:00000380 _Di2
                            *COM*:00000190 _Col
                            *COM*:00000380 _Di1
                            *COM*:00000010 _c
                            *COM*:00000010 _r2
                            *COM*:00000010 _c2
                            *COM*:00000190 _Node
                            *COM*:00000fa0 _s2
                            *COM*:00000010 _xm
                            *COM*:00000010 _ym
                            *COM*:00000010 _sy
                            *COM*:00000010 _o
                            .text:00000000 .text
                            .data:00000000 .data
                             .bss:00000000 .bss
                    .debug_abbrev:00000000 .debug_abbrev
                      .debug_info:00000000 .debug_info
                      .debug_line:00000000 .debug_line
                     .debug_frame:00000000 .debug_frame
                  .debug_pubnames:00000000 .debug_pubnames
                   .debug_aranges:00000000 .debug_aranges
                       .debug_str:00000000 .debug_str
                         .comment:00000000 .comment



here comes a version, which didn't crash because
one dummy line was included

GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s 			page 1

   1              		.file	"qser3.c"
   2              		.file 1 "qser3.c"
   3              		.section	.debug_abbrev,""
   4              	Ldebug_abbrev0:
   5              		.section	.debug_info,""
   6              	Ldebug_info0:
   7              		.section	.debug_line,""
   8              	Ldebug_line0:
   9 0000 39010000 		.section .text
   9      02005400 
   9      00000101 
   9      FB0E0A00 
   9      01010101 
  10              	Ltext0:
  11              		.file 2 "c:/djgpp/include/stdio.h"
  12              		.file 3 "c:/djgpp/include/stdlib.h"
  13              	.globl _R
  14              		.section .data
  15              		.p2align 5
  16              	_R:
  17 0000 00000000 		.long	0
  18 0004 00000000 		.space 392
  18      00000000 
  18      00000000 
  18      00000000 
  18      00000000 
  19              	.globl _C
  20 018c 00000000 		.p2align 5
  20      00000000 
  20      00000000 
  20      00000000 
  20      00000000 
  21              	_C:
  22 01a0 00000000 		.long	0
  23 01a4 00000000 		.space 392
  23      00000000 
  23      00000000 
  23      00000000 
  23      00000000 
  24              	.globl _solutions
  25              		.p2align 2
  26              	_solutions:


  81:qser3.c       **** m55:r--;if(R[r]!=1)goto m55;
 546              		.loc 1 81 0
 547 0700 4F       		decl	%edi
 548 0701 897DD8   		movl	%edi, -40(%ebp)
 549 0704 893D1000 		movl	%edi, _r
 549      0000
 550 070a 89FE     		movl	%edi, %esi
GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s 			page 16

 551 070c 833CBDA0 		cmpl	$1, _R(,%edi,4)
 551      09000001 
 552 0714 75EA     		jne	L44
  82:qser3.c       ****     c=C[r];r2=n+1-r;c2=n+1-c;
 553              		.loc 1 82 0
 554              	L82:
 555 0716 B8400B00 		movl	$_C, %eax
 555      00
 556 071b 8B4DC8   		movl	-56(%ebp), %ecx
 557 071e 8B55C8   		movl	-56(%ebp), %edx
 558 0721 29F9     		subl	%edi, %ecx
 559 0723 8B1CB8   		movl	(%eax,%edi,4), %ebx
 560 0726 41       		incl	%ecx
 561 0727 29DA     		subl	%ebx, %edx
  83:qser3.c       ****     R[r]=0;R[r2]=0;R[c]=0;R[c2]=0;
  84:qser3.c       ****     C[c]=0;C[c2]=0;C[r2]=0;//C[r]=0;
  85:qser3.c       ****     Col[c]=0;Col[c2]=0;Col[r]=0;Col[r2]=0;
  86:qser3.c       ****     Di1[r+c]=0;Di1[r2+c2]=0;Di1[c+r2]=0;Di1[r2+c]=0;
 562              		.loc 1 86 0
 563 0729 01DE     		addl	%ebx, %esi
 564              		.loc 1 82 0
 565 072b 42       		incl	%edx
 566              		.loc 1 84 0
 567 072c C7049800 		movl	$0, (%eax,%ebx,4)
 567      000000
 568              		.loc 1 83 0
 569 0733 C704BDA0 		movl	$0, _R(,%edi,4)
 569      09000000 
 569      000000
 570              		.loc 1 84 0
 571 073e C7049000 		movl	$0, (%eax,%edx,4)
 571      000000
 572              		.loc 1 86 0
 573 0745 8975D4   		movl	%esi, -44(%ebp)
 574              		.loc 1 84 0
 575 0748 C7048800 		movl	$0, (%eax,%ecx,4)
 575      000000
 576              		.loc 1 82 0
 577 074f 891D1000 		movl	%ebx, _c
 577      0000
 578              		.loc 1 85 0
 579 0755 B8900100 		movl	$_Col, %eax
 579      00
 580              		.loc 1 82 0
 581 075a 89151000 		movl	%edx, _c2
 581      0000
 582              		.loc 1 83 0
 583 0760 C7048DA0 		movl	$0, _R(,%ecx,4)
 583      09000000 
 583      000000
 584              		.loc 1 85 0
 585 076b C7049800 		movl	$0, (%eax,%ebx,4)
 585      000000
 586              		.loc 1 82 0
 587 0772 890D1000 		movl	%ecx, _r2
 587      0000
 588              		.loc 1 85 0
GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s 			page 17

 589 0778 C7049000 		movl	$0, (%eax,%edx,4)
 589      000000
 590 077f C704B800 		movl	$0, (%eax,%edi,4)
 590      000000
 591 0786 C7048800 		movl	$0, (%eax,%ecx,4)
 591      000000
 592              		.loc 1 86 0
 593 078d B8800300 		movl	$_Di1, %eax
 593      00
 594              		.loc 1 83 0
 595 0792 C7049DA0 		movl	$0, _R(,%ebx,4)
 595      09000000 
 595      000000
 596              		.loc 1 86 0
 597 079d C704B000 		movl	$0, (%eax,%esi,4)
 597      000000
  96:qser3.c       **** 
  97:qser3.c       **** }
 626              		.loc 1 97 0
 627 0802 8D65F4   		leal	-12(%ebp), %esp
 628 0805 5B       		popl	%ebx
 629 0806 5E       		popl	%esi
 630 0807 5F       		popl	%edi
 631 0808 5D       		popl	%ebp
 632 0809 C3       		ret
 633              	L41:
 634              		.loc 1 75 0
 635 080a A1CC0C00 		movl	_solutions, %eax


 1672      6420696E 
 1672      7400
 1673              		.ident	"GCC: (GNU) 3.2"
GAS LISTING c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s 			page 39

                            *ABS*:00000000 qser3.c
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s:16     .data:00000000 _R
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s:21     .data:000001a0 _C
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s:26     .data:0000032c _solutions
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s:30     .data:00000330 _p
c:/djgpp/tmp/ccWbY5Xe.s:47     .text:000000a0 _main
                            *COM*:00000010 _i
                            *COM*:00000010 _n
                            *COM*:00000010 _x
                            *COM*:00009930 _Sym
                            *COM*:00000010 _y
                            *COM*:00000010 _w
                            *COM*:00000010 _v
                            *COM*:00000010 _u
                            *COM*:00000010 _q
                            *COM*:00000010 _r
                            *COM*:00000010 _syms
                            *COM*:00000010 _x2
                            *COM*:00000010 _y2
                            *COM*:00000010 _ym
                            *COM*:00000380 _Di2
                            *COM*:00000190 _Col
                            *COM*:00000380 _Di1
                            *COM*:00000010 _xm
                            *COM*:00000010 _c
                            *COM*:00000010 _r2
                            *COM*:00000010 _c2
                            *COM*:00000190 _Node
                            *COM*:00000fa0 _s2
                            *COM*:00000010 _sy
                            *COM*:00000010 _o
                            .text:00000000 .text
                            .data:00000000 .data
                             .bss:00000000 .bss
                    .debug_abbrev:00000000 .debug_abbrev
                      .debug_info:00000000 .debug_info
                      .debug_line:00000000 .debug_line
                     .debug_frame:00000000 .debug_frame
                  .debug_pubnames:00000000 .debug_pubnames
                   .debug_aranges:00000000 .debug_aranges
                       .debug_str:00000000 .debug_str
                         .comment:00000000 .comment


- Raw text -

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