Mail Archives: djgpp/2002/06/29/04:02:33
> > Feel confident you can bind either the stub or use the TSR without
> > legal issues, as long as you use the distributed binaries (and bind
> > something of consequence - an application).
> The situation is as follows: I would like to experiment with the
> Automatic EOI mode of the PC interrupt controller. This would require
> modifications into the DPMI provider and would make the application
> completely dependent on the particular DOS extender. Currently the
> application in question, 1541EMU ( uses
> unmodified CWSDPR0, but I have read that PMODE/DJ has lower hardware
> interrupt handling overhead, so from a purely technical viepoint maybe it
> should be used instead. But GPL'd software can't depend on non-free,
> GPL-incompatible software.
Since you are not putting the modified PMODE into an extender for sale,
you are OK. Read the terms:
"PMODE/DJ is free software. It may be used or distributed in any manner you
wish, as long as you do not try to sell an extender based on PMODE. You
may use this software in for profit productions. If you use this software
in any package, you MUST give credit to Thomas Pytel and Matthias Grimrath."
The application you pointed to is an emulator, not an extender. You are
not trying to sell the modified PMODE/DJ image. I don't see any conflict.
PMODE/DJ has some mode switches which are about 2X faster in hardware
interrupt handling than CWSDPR0. Real mode callbacks (or reflections to
real mode) are about the same speed. If you have a high interrupt rate
(> 10,000 interrupts per second) you should definitely play with PMODE/DJ.
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