Mail Archives: djgpp/2001/06/19/10:51:44

Sender: tim AT riker DOT skynet DOT be
Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:49:24 +0200
From: Tim Van Holder <tim DOT vanholder AT falconsoft DOT be>
Organization: Anubex N.V.
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.77 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.4.4-win4lin i686)
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CC: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
References: <59 DOT be59482 DOT 2860af47 AT aol DOT com>
Reply-To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com

RITAWIREKOGH AT aol DOT com wrote:
> Tim,
> The programme is Rhide because on my windows desktop when I select Programmes
> it shows DJGPP and beside it 'Rhide'.
> If  I  type 'gcc -Wall list1102.cpp -o list1102.exe-lstdcxx', I get the
> reponse below:
> gcc.exe: No such file or directory (ENDENT)
> gcc.exe: No input file or directory(ENDENT)
> gcc.exe: No input files.
> To enter into the C++ program I always go to the windows dekstop and select
> Rhide.
> I  want to be able to run at least one program that I installed from the CD
> ROM . It contains Source Code and Exercises. This is all the information I
> think I have now.
> Please help again or further if the Rhide will not work show me a good book
> and a compiler which I can easily learn and can teach me how to run a
> Programme starting from the basics. Please help again for I appreciate your
> first help.

Ah - so you're only running Rhide from the start menu.  The problem is
that Rhide is running with an incorrect working directory, so it won't
your files.
DJGPP is a command-line environment, so it is recommended to use it as
Open an MS-DOS command prompt, go to the place where the sources are
(cd c:\where\ever\you\put\them), and then run either rhide, or simply
run the gcc command directly there (I'm sure the book you're using will
some examples of how to compile from the command line).

So, to recap: assume you have the sources in c:\sams:

On the start menu, choose 'MS-DOS Command Prompt' (or something
At the prompt, type c:
At the prompt, type cd \sams

Then you can try typing 'rhide' at the prompt and see if that helps.
If not, try running gcc yourself ("gcc -c source -o object" to compile,
"gcc objects -o program.exe -lstdcxx" to link)

(Oh, and please send mails to the list (djgpp AT delorie DOT com) instead of to

Tim Van Holder - Anubex N.V.
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