Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/05/20/10:58:37
At 11:01 AM 5/20/00 GMT, you wrote:
>I suggest you read the manual sections of gcc extended inline assembly.
>The FAQ shows how to find them. In this case, unfortunately even this
>won't be enough. AFAIK the "%w3" is not explained there. Recently,
>Eli Zaretskii sent an URL to this list, with an IHMO very good description
>of extended inline assembly. I currently don't have the URL handy.
>You can find the message at
>A related question. I have seen quite a few low level "video writing"
>problems here. Allegro and Grx both have fast frame buffer
>access methods, including fast bitblt functions. Why do so many
>people go through the trouble, to reinvent the wheel?
Answer: Haven't tried Grx, and Allegro's font routines don't do what I
want to do. Hence the attempt to squeeze out every last ounce of speed
from my own routines. My own routines work, but I'm just incorporating ASM
in places where I know that certain calls are slowing down the program (I
can't do much about the BIOS calls...but I really don't care at this point).
Thomas J. Hruska -- shinelight AT crosswinds DOT net
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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