Mail Archives: djgpp/2000/03/15/20:10:50
Eli wrote:
d>Yes, in Sven's case there is no beep. And that is what puzzles me:
d>why the difference? I can explain the beeps, but not lack thereof.
d>So there's no misunderstanding.
d>It would be interesting to see what does your program yield on Sven's
With his program umlauts appear, the same behavior as Dieters system shows
but without any beep.
d>But that doesn't explain the lack of any effect on Sven's system,
d>which is what I was trying to understand.
This is still a miracle. I proved the connection of my PC-Speaker to the
mainboard but it beeps while turning the PC on...
echo -e '\a'
doesn't beep too ...
d>And yet the two systems do behave differently. I wonder why.
I agree but:
_On the other hand:_ as Jochen suggested, with
set meta-flag on
set convert-meta off
set output-meta on
set input-meta on
in ${HOME}/.inputrc all but one (the beep) latin1-chars appear at the
(I already had set meta-flag, output-meta and input-meta but not convert-
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