Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/09/17/09:59:08

From: "Santosh H." <hsantosh AT giasbga DOT vsnl DOT net DOT in>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: Re: Screen Address in VESA 2.0
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 08:06:26 +0530
Organization: VSNL
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    If what u mean is getting the selector that points to the descriptor
of the video segment this could do it.I sue NASM so you'll have to convert
it to whatever sytax you're using(mines's the Intel syntax)

[extern ___dpmi_segment_to_descriptor]
[extern _VideoSegmentSelector]
    push dword 0a000h
    call ___dpmi_segment_to_descriptor
    cmp  eax, -1
    jne  .Gotit
    mov  [_VideoSegmentSelector],0ffffh <-- my custom err code:-)
      jmp .done    <- restore the callers esp & ebp

    mov [_VideoSegmentSelector],ax
     get out

 Hope it helps


Santosh .H :
Activities  Linux Linux and only Linux :-)
Thought for a lifetime:
   Only Wimps use MS windows
   Toughs use Linux:-)

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, JAB wrote:

>  Hiya
>  I've written a 3D thing on my dear old StrongARM RPC. Now I'm
> converting it over to the PC, compiling it with djgpp. I've got code to
> change to the screen mode I want (640 by 480 in 32 bit) but I can't get
> the screen address to write too. On the Acorn you just get the screen
> address and start writing to it. I can't beleive that you need the
> pages and pages of code I'm told I need. Ploting to screen is simple,
> how can it be so hard on the PC? There must be a way of getting the
> screen address, unlocking it from it's protection, and get on with
> thing. My question is how? How can I get just the screen address and
> unprotect it for use.
>  Any help would be useful.
> --
> Catch ya later
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

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