Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/04/18/08:59:52
In article <msga25827 AT agora DOT stm DOT it> you wrote:
: I am a blind dos user from Napoli which very little know english and c
: and unix.
: I've installed a demo linux (suse 5.3) but ovviously when kernel is loaded
: kill my talker.
: Then the first tremendous question:
: how I can envelop a linux kernel imagein a dos programgiving to it control
: and parameters?
Unfortunately, you can't. As soon as the Linux kernel has booted, DOS
is gone.
: In djgpp distribution there is a utility which transform a executable file
: into a header file (*.h). if I utilize this utility
: and write in my c code
: #include "zimage.h" how I give control to it.?
Wrong idea. I don't think this is possible.
: other question:
: I'm learning unix using dos porting ofunix programm, like emacs,
: bash, perl, shel utilities etc.
: How I can immagine a multiprocessing and networking environment
: unix like where I can write and debug ftp, telnetand html
: applications?
Aaah, you are an emacs user. There is something called emacspeak:
"Description: speech output interface to Emacs
Emacspeak is a speech output system that will allow someone who
cannot see to work directly on a UNIX system. (Until now, the only
option available to visually impaired users has been to use a talking
PC as a terminal.) Emacspeak is built on top of Emacs. Once you
start emacs with emacspeak loaded, you get spoken feedback for
everything you do. Your mileage will vary depending on how well you
can use Emacs. There is nothing that you cannot do inside Emacs :-).
This package includes speech servers written in tcl to support the
DECtalk Express and DECtalk MultiVoice speech synthesizers. For
other synthesizers, look for separate speech server packages."
So if you somehow manage to install Linux and then this emacspeak
thing, you should be able to use Linux.
: Third question:
: How I can execute linux binaries files as speech sinthetizers
: without recompiling?
If you have a Linux system running, you (probably) don't need to
Nobody (to my knowledge) has yet written a Linux emulator for DJGPP,
so running Linux programs in DJGPP environment is not possible.
Rota, Symphony No. 1,
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