Mail Archives: djgpp/1999/04/15/15:05:45
Eli Zaretskii wrote:
> Would you please explain why do you think schools need Linux? Why
> isn't it enough to have DJGPP on DOS or Windows? I don't think
> schools go as far as writing GUI programs, so it shouldn't matter
> which interface they have.
I'm having a slightly different problem at my school. When I took QB
semester 2 years ago, and Pascal 2nd semester, we used DOS. I also took
the next year 2nd semester (A really crappy course in which we hardly
through half the book), for which we used TC++ 3.0. I liked this
arrangement, and now that I use DJGPP, I would prefer to stay w/ DOS
But NO, I can't do that, now all the programming classes are VB, & VC++.
I've written on this subject before, how I hate M$ Visual products.
I can't seem to get away from this, and I am being compelled to form an
independent study and procure old machines to use as standalone if I and
friends want to do programming w/ DOS. Schools are going toward M$
and it's driving me nuts. M$ is almost taking over my school. First the
service gets snippy (actually, I can almost excuse them. Any of you in
IS/MIS/IT know what they go through), and now Bill Gates is forcing his
mediocrity on my life. Need I go into how FrontPage 98 is a pain in the
rear???? Or how MS Orifice 97 is so unstable and unwieldy? I used to be
advocate of M$, but that was before there was a good alternative. Linux
been around since 1992(???), but it has only become viable since
1997-98. I
am continually seeing myself pushed toward Linux, and seeing that I must
embrace it.
PLEASE, give the students an alternative. Next year I'm going to have to
all this myself, and maybe, though I hope not, maybe nobody will do what
want to do this, but I DON"T WANT VC++, I want to have an open std, easy
use programming platform, that is not tied to M$'s whims.
BTW, did you hear that M$ is going to charge for the bugfixed Win98????
want to rip another $89 bucks off of us, to add insult to injury.
I'm sorry if this all has been terribly longwinded, and unorganized, but
needed to say this.
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