Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/12/28/19:35:47
From: | "Bonifati" <abonifati AT telsa DOT it>
Newsgroups: | comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: | particular bug in template implementation
Date: | Tue, 29 Dec 1998 01:14:11 +0100
Organization: | Centro Servizi Interbusiness
Lines: | 214
Message-ID: | <7696il$k94$>
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To: | djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: | from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Reply-To: | djgpp AT delorie DOT com
I have sent this e-mail both to gnu.gcc.bug and
nobody answered me. Since this newsgroup always answers me, here it is:
an interesting problem and I'm sure there's a bug)
I'm an italian student. My name's Antonio Bonifati. I think I have found a
bug in your compiler. My computer is a Pentium II 333Mhz. The OS is Windows
I have GNU C++ for Win32:
C:\C++>g++ -v
Reading specs from C:\C++\lib\gcc-lib\i386-mingw32\2.8.1\specs
gcc version 2.8.1
Here's a simplified input file that will reproduce the bug:
template<class T>
class Eq
{ public:
const static Eq def;
template<class T>
const Eq<T> Eq<T>::def=Eq<T>();
template<class T>
void F(const Eq<T>& o = Eq<T>::def)
{ return;
{ Eq<short> varEq; // line 15
C:\progs>g++ prova.cpp
prova.cpp:15: aggregate `class Eq<short int> const Eq<short int>::def' has
plete type and cannot be initialized
I think this is a bogus error.
Your web page (G++ FAQ) gave me
an idea on how to fix this error (see: Problems with the template
implementation). I think problem 1 hasn't been completely eliminated: static
data member templates which type is the same of their class are not
1. Static data member templates are not supported in compiler versions older
than 2.8.0. You can work around this by explicitly declaring the static
variable for each template specialization:
template <class T> struct A
static T t;
template <class T> T A<T>::t = 0; // gets bogus error
int A<int>::t = 0; // OK (workaround)
This code works:
template<class T>
class Eq
{ public:
const static Eq def;
// gets bogus error
// template<class T>
// const Eq<T> Eq<T>::def=Eq<T>();
const Eq<short> Eq<short>::def = Eq<short>();
template<class T>
void F(const Eq<T>& o = Eq<T>::def)
{ return;
{ Eq<short> varEq;
This is the original code that has the bug:
// File utilita.h
#ifndef UTILITAH
#define UTILITAH
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// generic abs function
template <class T> inline
T abs( const T& a ) { return ( a < 0 ) ? -a : a; }
// generic swap function
template <class T> inline
void scambia( T& a1, T& a2 ) { T temp = a1; a1 = a2; a2 = temp; }
template <class T> class Eq; // generic equality class
template <class T> class Ord; // generic ordering class
// generic minimum function
template <class T> inline
T min( const T& a1, const T& a2, const Ord<T>& o = Ord<T>::def )
{ return ( o.precede(a1, a2) ) ? a1 : a2; }
// generic maximum function
template <class T> inline
T max( const T& a1, const T& a2, const Ord<T>& o = Ord<T>::def )
{ return ( o.precede(a1, a2) ) ? a2 : a1; }
template <class T>
class Eq
{ public:
// signature of an equality function
typedef bool (* FUguale) ( const T&, const T& );
// standard equality function which calls '=='
virtual bool uguale( const T& a1, const T& a2 ) const
{ return (fUguale == 0) ? a1 == a2 : fUguale(a1,a2); }
// default equality as a static constant
const static Eq def;
// equality operator for two equalities
friend bool operator== ( const Eq<T>& e1, const Eq<T>& e2 )
{ return e1.fUguale == e2.fUguale; }
Eq( FUguale fug = 0 ) { fUguale = fug; } // costruttore
// equality function: if 0 operator "==" is used
FUguale fUguale;
template <class T>
const Eq<T> Eq<T>::def = Eq<T>(); // initialization to the default value
// there are two possible ordering directions
// DISC is the inverse ordering
enum DirOrd { ASC=0, DISC };
template <class T>
class Ord
{ public:
const DirOrd dirOrd; // ordering direction
// signature of an ordering function
typedef bool (* FPrecede) ( const T&, const T& );
// comparison operator
bool precede( const T& a1, const T& a2 ) const
{ if ( dirOrd == ASC )
return ( fPrecede == 0 ) ? a1 < a2 : fPrecede (a1,a2);
return ( fPrecede == 0 ) ? a2 < a1 : fPrecede (a2,a1);
// equality operator induced by 'precede'
bool uguale( const T& a1, const T& a2 ) const
{ return !precede (a1,a2) && !precede (a2,a1); }
// operator that return the inverse ordering
Ord operator! ()
{ return Ord<T>( (dirOrd == ASC) ? DISC : ASC, fPrecede); }
// default ordering as a static constant
const static Ord def;
// equality operator for two orderings
friend bool operator== ( const Ord<T>& o1, const Ord<T>& o2 )
{ return o1.dirOrd == o2.dirOrd &&
o1.fPrecede == o2.fPrecede;
// constructor
Ord( DirOrd vOrd = ASC, FPrecede fprec = 0 ): dirOrd(vOrd)
{ fPrecede = fprec; }
// ordering function: if 0 operator "<" is used
FPrecede fPrecede;
template <class T> // initialization to the default value
const Ord<T> Ord<T>::def = Ord<T>();
Please answer to abonifati AT telsa DOT it
Thank you and happy new year
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