Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/12/21/03:27:59
How did you run Flex? What was the exact command line?
Also, was the original code indented 5 places to the right, as you posted
it? If so, delete the indentation and try again. The documentation
describes exactly which parts of the source need to be indented amd which
don't (playing the cut-and-paste games with the examples doesn't free you
from the need to read the docs ;-).
> char setroom=50,
> chkroom=51,
> setdest=52,
> chkvar=53,
> setvar=54;
This declaration, and any code block in the ACTION part *do* need to be
indented. But everything else should be flushed all the way to the left
margin. I think if you press DEL 5 times at the beginning of every
line, and then indent the above snippet, everything will begin working.
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