Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/12/01/01:55:06
Date: | Tue, 1 Dec 1998 08:54:44 +0100
From: | Alain Borel <aborel AT pcbch3207h DOT unil DOT ch>
Message-Id: | <>
To: | djgpp AT delorie DOT com
Subject: | Re: ELF -> COFF / Glide
X-Newsgroups: | comp.os.msdos.djgpp
In-Reply-To: | <>
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Reply-To: | djgpp AT delorie DOT com
In article <Pine DOT SGI DOT 3 DOT 95 DOT 981130124125 DOT 12057A-100000 AT tuomi DOT oulu DOT fi> you wrote:
> Well, I still have those Glide libraries in watcom's format (won't
> do, probably) and in ELF format. I am pretty sure I won't be able
> to get sources, so I now need a program that could make COFF-
> files (DJGPPs libraries _are_ in COFF format, aren't they?) from
> those ELF files... Where I could find such a program?
> And yes, I know that the libraries probably won't work, but I want
> to give it a shot - I really want to make glide-programs, but I
> definitely aren't going to switch to watcom and I don't want to
> use windows, either.
> /// Toni Räsänen
> /// torasane AT mail DOT student DOT oulu DOT fi
If you succeed, could you please drop me a note? I'd be interested too...
Alain Borel
<Alain DOT Borel AT icma DOT unil DOT ch>
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