Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/08/15/10:45:36
Levi Wiseman wrote:
> Okay guys (and gals) here's the thing, I'm a total newbie to this whole
> programming thing (I picked up "C for Dummies Volume One", so I do know
> a little "C", and decided I'd try my hand at it) so I just downloaded
> all the stuff I need to start my new programming adventure (according to
> the "DJGPP Zip File Picker" I needed: bnu281b, djdev201, faq210b,
> gcc281b, mak3761b, rhide14b, and txi390b).
I recommend; it's the latest incarnation of GNU Info for
> Now I'm out in the cold on how to get this sucker runnin'. Can someone
> please help me get this working (just step-by-step _please_). I've got
> one main folder ("DJGPP) and inside I've got all seven folders for the
> stuff I just downloaded, and I don't know where to start or how to work
> anything. If someone can just get me to a clean slab of programming
> space and show me the basics (how to compile, link, and save the files,
> I'd be _very_ appreciative).
> So someone, please take a newbie under your wing :)... (btw, please
> reply "off-list" so as not to take up space :) ).
What I recommend is that you take a look at the DJGPP User's Guide
online at It's designed
specifically for newbies like you. :-)
Basic operation: write your program as a text file, save with a .c
extension, and then use 'gcc' to compile it (example: gcc -o
program.exe program.c). Fix any errors, save, compile again. Fix the
remaining errors, save, compile again. Do this until it compiles. Then
run it, and fix the crash bugs. Compile again. Etc.
Since you downloaded RHIDE, you can use it as a development environment
similar to Turbo C. Type 'rhide' to run it, type in your program, and
compile it.
You will need to make sure that you have made the proper changes to your
configuration as outlined in the 'readme.1st' file.
For any additional questions, consult the Frequently Asked Questions
list (which you downloaded), or ask here if you can't figure it out.
> |/ _ \| "'Seven out of ten people suffer from
> | / \ | hemorrhoids.' Does this mean that the __)\
> | \_/ | other three enjoy it?" (____)
> \_____/ -Sal Davino (______)
Great signature!
| John M. Aldrich | "Waking a person unnecessarily |
| aka Fighteer I | should not be considered a capital |
| mailto:fighteer AT cs DOT net | crime. For a first offense, that |
|| is." - Lazarus Long |
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