Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/06/13/10:45:19
Michael Langton wrote in message <3581f358 DOT 6156114 AT news DOT manawatu DOT gen DOT nz>...
>I've been trying to get started with rsxntdj and, well, I've >got up to
resource files, which I can't find any
>documentation for. I think what I want (from reading
>a book) is something like a win32 clone of Borland's
>Resource Workshop. Is there anything like this out there?
>Or, failing that, is there any documentation that would tell
>me how to make .rc files by typing in stuff?
> Michael Langton
You should get Programming Windows 95 by Charles Petzold. It explains
Windows programming in general and explains how to create resource files. I
recommend using Visual Studio's (or Visual C++) resource editor. It's
pretty nice, even if it's a Microsoft product...
Johnny P.
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