Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/06/06/10:17:01
Hi all,
I've spent the last few hours looking at the following code and can't
work out why it's looping.
Basically the function returns a list of all Nodes that are reachable
from a particular Node.
I don't think the fact that I'm using templates has anything to do with
it, but maybe it has ( that's why I'm posting this message, I'm not sure
of anything right now ).
If you've got a spare 5 minutes please check it for me.
The code is as follows....
list< Node > reachable( Node reachVertice )
list< Node > x, x1;
list< Edge > :: iterator i;
cout << "reachable";
for( i = EdgeList.begin( ); i != EdgeList.end( ); i++ )
if( ( i->getFrom( ) == reachVertice ) );
x.push_back( i->getTo( ) );
x1 = reachable( i->getTo( ) );
if( !x1.empty( ) )
x.splice( x.end( ), x1 );
x.sort( );
x.unique( );
return x;
thanks in advance,
Dominique Louis.
To Do Nothing is to Collaborate with the oppressor!
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