Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/05/11/17:00:40

From: "Dark Angel" <mop45440 AT mail DOT telepac DOT pt>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: OBJ files with DJGPP
Date: 11 May 1998 20:47:04 GMT
Organization: Dark Angel Soft
Lines: 83
Message-ID: <01bd7d15$311fe140$LocalHost@default>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

I have learned the basics of inline asm, and now i think it's time to move

I want to write asm (only asm, not C) functions, compile them to generate
an .o file and then use it with djgpp.

In turbo C, i used to create the obj file with tasm, and then included it
in my project file list. 

Does DJGPP works the same way? Should i compile the .s file, and then
include the .o file in the project list? Is this the way it works?

This is only part of the problem. I am already thinking about including asm
files on my applications, and i don't even know how to write a complete asm

I am not an experienced asm programmer, so there are a lot of things that i
don't understand(not the instructions part) like the headers, passing
parameters from C to the routine writen in asm, that kind of stuff i don't

With tasm, i wrote a lot of functions that i used on my programs, but they
were kind of copied from other's.
The main file looked like this:

	Title <title>

	_DATA segment byte public 'DATA'		
	_DATA ends

	_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE'
		assume cs:_TEXT, ds:_DATA, es:nothing;

	include <filename>

	_TEXT ends

Well i don't have idea of what that means, but i copied that and it worked,
i only changed the filenames to include, with my own functions.

Does asm with DJGPP look like this?
Is there documentation that i can get that can explain me what that stuff
means (_DATA, _TEXT, assume, bla, bla)?

As for the functions i wrote them like this (they were also copied and
changed to suite my needs, so there are things i don't understand):

	PutImage struc
			dw	?		//what for?
			dd	?		//what for?
	  posx		dw	?		//this i know
	  posy		dw	?
	  addr		dd	?

	PutImage	 ends

Whell that is the parameter part, that i can figure out	

_PutImage	proc 	far

	push bp		//there are always some push's at the begining. What for?
	mov bp, sp


_PutImage endp

I used this and it worked, but now i'm facing an all new asm: AT&T asm!!
This doesn't work!

Any help on this will be welcomed.
Sorry to bother again

P.S. 	The asm was in fact copied, but it was copied from a book by Peder
He said that the source code could be used by others. There is no piracy
in here.

Thanks, Jorge Lima from Dark Angel Soft, Portugal

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