Mail Archives: djgpp/1998/03/21/06:01:37

From: James W Sager Iii <>
Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.djgpp
Subject: re:compiler Optimizations (2)
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 1998 00:39:05 -0500
Organization: Junior, MCS Undeclared, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, PA
Lines: 69
Message-ID: <>
To: djgpp AT delorie DOT com
DJ-Gateway: from newsgroup comp.os.msdos.djgpp

>These three things can often explain most abnormal program behavior in        
>Windows 95.  I'm sure there are others out there; if you have problems        
>with a specific piece of code crashing, try to resolve it down to the         
>smallest compilable fragment that reliably crashes and post it on the         
>newsgroup, along with details on how to compile it and how to reproduce       
>the crash.  Somebody may be able to come up with more wisdom than I. 
Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll do this.
> Thanks a ton for all your help. I'm going to be programming for the next   
> ten days solid, so any speed increases in the compiler is awesome.          
> I'm thinking of copying gcc, my .cc files and my .h files into my ramdrive. 
> I figure that way, when they are run, the files will already be in memory...
> I'm just guessing because it seems the reason it takes so long to  
 compile is because my hard drive hits ALOT...                               
>That would indeed work.  In addition, try copying some of the djgpp           
>system files, such as djgpp.env, lib/specs, lib/libc.a, etc.  You'll          
>probably have to fiddle with the settings in djgpp.env to get this to         

Ok, after making a cool batch file that copies some critical 
files over to my ramdrive things are sped up :). My compile time
is now under 20 sec as opposed to over 60 sec before.

Ok, I'll try copying over those files you suggested as well.

>I would again recommend that you do your compilation under Win95 to take 
>advantage of the vastly improved caching.                                     
Sounds good. As soon as I can get all Allegro commands to run under 
win95, I'll do that switch.

>> Again, thanks for all your help, I'm busy reconfiguring and drawing         
>> enemies while I wait for someone to help me out with .dat files in          
>> Allegro.  If you have time, I could use your help if you see me going       
>> astray with my plans for optimization...                                    
>Umm... if it's detailed algorithmic optimization, I may not be enough of    
>a help; I have a lot of general knowledge but I don't have a great deal       
>of detailed information about graphics optimization.  I would be happy        
>to take a crack at it though.                                                 

I'm sorry. I just meant compiler optimization.  
The troubles I had with the .dat files:
A) I can't load a BITMAP into memory from a .dat file because I am unsure
of the code...
B) I am unsure of whether the .dat file loads itself fully into memory.
Since my game is a slow paced RPG, I have no need for all the BITMAPs
to be in the memory, and there are ALOT of BITMAPs appx 1000+. I have 
other devious uses for the memory...

So anyone who has any information on .dat files, please tell me.
I'm stuck doing things like making graphics and such until I get this
crucial information to continue coding...
>If you want to send me your code to see if I can debug the crashes, I'd 
>be happy to give it a try.                                                    
Excellent! You and everyone else on this newsgroup are of incredible 
help. I'm going to go get my code to crash now :)


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