Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/12/12/13:35:31
Geza Herman <geza AT inf DOT bme DOT hu> wrote:
> I don't have a programming question but a (L)GPL question.
> If I write a program, and I only use libraries and GCC,
> should I sell the binaries with *source* code?
> Geza
> PS: I wrote this message to gnu.misc.discuss, but nobody could answer me
> exactly. And please, use CC to my email address.
If you use the *binary* GCC (I mean: you don't use parts of the source of GCC
;-) and the djgpp's libc.a library you can make anything you want with the
generated EXE file. If you are using C++ you must be careful because there are
2 libraries, one from djgpp (can be used without restrictions) and one from
GNU. The one from GNU is LGPL code, that means: if you use it your code becomes
The djgpp goal is to avoid generating GPL programs.
The only thing that I think isn't clear at all is that under Linux all is
linked with the GNU libc and hence is GPL, but nobody takes it in count. As an
example Sharewar's DOOM was freelly distributed (without sources) under Linux
and nobody put a complain. Does anybody understand it? Is just an example there
are tons more.
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