Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/04/26/17:20:14
Po-Ta Tseng wrote:
> I compiled my first program "hello.c",
> but I got the following message:
> gcc.exe: installation problem, cnnnot exec 'cc1plus': No such
> file or directory (ENOENT).
> Please tell me why?
This means that in actually you're trying to compile a C++ program. Did
you type HELLO.C in all uppercase? gcc is a Unix port, and so is case
sensitive; you should be careful where you type uppercase and where you
type lowercase. In gcc, the file extension .C is different from .c; the
former is equivalent to .cc and tells the compiler that you're trying to
compile a C++ program. Use hello.c instead.
Erik Max Francis, &tSftDotIotE / email / max AT alcyone DOT com
Alcyone Systems / web /
San Jose, California, United States / icbm / 37 20 07 N 121 53 38 W
"The future / is right there."
/ Bill Moyers
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