Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/03/11/21:00:54
On Mon, 10 Mar 1997 11:20:11 -0800, Allan Carhart <allan AT carhart DOT com>
> If you can give me any information, I'd really appreciate it.
> Specifically:
> 1) references where I can read about this in books or on the web
Try <>, and look at some of the
graphics references.
> 3) information about how to write to video memory
FAQ, chapter 10 (and also 17 and 18).
> 4) background on what's going on with setvisualpage() and
> setactivepage() (and why the don't seem to work with gcc?)
GRX 2.0 is still a beta graphics library, and has not been actively
supported for a long time (nearly a year now). It may well have
problems in speed and/or low-level routines like page flipping, but I'm
the wrong person to ask.
> 5) success stories with DJGPP (gcc for DOS) graphics programming.
Took you long enough to get here. :) It seems that the vast majority
of DJGPP success stories come from folks who've used the Allegro
graphics/game programming library. It's available from SimTel in the
'v2tk' directory, and has been shown to be a hundred percent faster and
more reliable than GRX. The only problem is converting your code to a
different interface.
Don't get me wrong - there are also quite a few GRX success stories out
there, so I'm sure that somebody here will be able to help you. :)
| John M. Aldrich, aka Fighteer I | mailto:fighteer AT cs DOT com |
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