Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/03/11/08:16:56
Vik Heyndrickx wrote:
> Is there anyone who can help at the source code af the movedata and the
> _movedataw function in the DJGPP implementation. I guess it's in
> assembler but I am unable to find it.
It is in and because I don't know exactly now
where the source file is, I would do the following:
grep _movedata c:/djgpp/src/libc/.../*.s
(replace c:/djgpp with your directory and note the three dots)
> I need this because I encountered a problem with TVISION and a strongly
Which TVISION do you mean??
* Robert Hoehne, Fakultaet fuer Mathematik, TU-Chemnitz-Zwickau *
* Post: Am Berg 3, D-09573 Dittmannsdorf *
* e-Mail: Robert DOT Hoehne AT Mathematik DOT TU-Chemnitz DOT DE *
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