Mail Archives: djgpp/1997/03/02/15:00:36
Randy Sorensen <randy AT idcomm DOT com> wrote in article
<3317b95a DOT 0 AT superego DOT idcomm DOT com>...
> Hi. My name is Randy Sorensen, and I just got DJGPP a few days ago. I
> using a simple "Hello World" program with it. This was the syntax I
> C:\DJGPP\BIN>gcc -o test c:\randy\test.c
> and I got this error message:
> ld.exe: cannot open crt0.o: No such file or directory (ENOENT)
Have you set the DJGPP environment variable? It should be set to point to
the DJGPP.ENV file, like this...
Put this in your autoexec.bat. Note the forward slash, not backslash like
normal DOS.
Sly (Steve)
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