Mail Archives: djgpp/1995/06/08/19:42:40
For your millisecond timer (actually sub-millisecond):
1 read the count in timer 0, subtract the delay (count dounn), and
store the value
2 read the count in timer 0
3 if count >= stored value goto 2
to read timer 0
write 00000110 (0x06) to port 0x43 (latch counter 0, sqare wave,
read lsb from port 0x40
read msb from port 0x40
Timer 0 is already programmed with a count of 0 to get 18.2Hz by the
BIOS (unless its been reprogrammed). I'm not certian if bits 0 to 4
have an effect when latching the counter, but mode 3 (square wave)is
what the bios uses.
NOTE: becareful of counter wraparound! Its not too difficult to
handle and I'm sure you can figure it out.
movb $0x06,%al
outb %al,$ox43
inb $0x40,%al
movb %al,%ah
inb $0x40,%al
xchgb %al,%ah
_mdelay:.globl mdelay
pushl %eax
pushl %ebx
call readtimer
subw count,%ax
movw %ax,%bx
cmpw %bx,%ax #<-- I'm never certain about comparisions in AT&T code
ja lop
popl %ebx
popl %eax
.word 0x100 # 0.215 milliseconds
BTW I use something similar to this when reading the joystick pots
and it works very well. If you like, I can post my joystic code (it
will read all four pots and takes a maximum of about 5 to 10 mS, no
mater what.
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