Mail Archives: djgpp/1995/05/06/01:23:58
>Recent replies indicate that one has to intercept the DOS critical
>error handler etc. Why is all this neccessary in DJGPP ?
>Considering how simple TPascal really is, and that it uses standard
>DOS interrupt calls to do routines (like ChDir), can't DJGPP perform
>the ChDir function in a similar (graceful) way ?
>I realise this discussion list is not meant for arguments about DJGPP
>vs. other languages, etc. but why use overkill and intercepts when
>there is a simpler solution ?
FYI, TPascal would be using 'overkill and intercepts' (ie. hooking the dos
interrupt) already. With djgpp, you only hook it when you need it. TPascal
wastefully does it all the time, not giving you the option.
- Antony Suter <antony AT werple DOT mira DOT net DOT au>
- (Rohaan) <s871780 AT minyos DOT xx DOT rmit DOT edu DOT au>
- "In space, all warriors are Code warriors", Chang, ST6
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