Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/07/12/04:14:52
> X-Mailer: exmh version 1.4 6/24/94
> Date: Mon, 11 Jul 1994 09:40:44 PDT
> From: Marty Leisner <leisner AT sdsp DOT mc DOT xerox DOT com>
> I want to recursivesly do makes...
> It seems each invocation takes over 100k out of my conventional memory,
> so after 3 levels I'm "out of space to exec"
Another solution, I don't know how plausible this is, is to modify
the make sources. Add in an 'intelligent' parser which looks for the make
command in the current line in the makefile, and simply recusrsively calls
itself (maybe directly calling the main() function, problems with static
variables though). This would not require the operating-system or go32 to
hae to worry about swapping. Plus it would be a LOT faster. (No swapping out
to disk.)
Just my ideas......(It's probably been done, but by who????)
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