Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/05/22/21:44:18

Date: Sun, 22 May 1994 18:07:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Unix Addict - VE7DNE <crussel AT sun4 DOT cariboo DOT bc DOT ca>
Subject: Re: frustrated to hell
To: Lawney Rosebrook <aj486 AT FreeNet DOT Carleton DOT CA>
Cc: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu

Personally, I never had any problem with the make.bat file...

The only place you might get a problem later is with the makefile.gcc
files in the souce directories... These are for use with TurboMake, and
will need to be changed for use with GnuMake.

73 de VE7DNE @ VE7EJE.#scbc.bc.can.noam
<crussel AT sun4 DOT cariboo DOT bc DOT ca>

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