Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/05/22/17:44:16

Date: Sun, 22 May 1994 17:04:23 -0400
From: aj486 AT FreeNet DOT Carleton DOT CA (Lawney Rosebrook)
To: djgpp AT sun DOT soe DOT clarkson DOT edu
Subject: frustrated to hell
Reply-To: aj486 AT freenet DOT carleton DOT ca

What have I gotten myself into???

I heard that DOOM was written in DJGPP and thought, hey cool I can write
some decent speed stuff finally (I was programming in windows though not
through my own choice)

Well I have it all pretty much installed and have compilled some stuff.
Then I tried to use GRX, BIG PROBLEMS.

It tells me in the docs:

          The library is distributed in the form of a 'ZIP' archive, it
          should be unarchived (use the '-d' option) in the directory where
          DJGPP was installed. This will place the files of the archive
          into a directory tree created under 'CONTRIB/LIBGRX'.       
          The 'makefile' in the base directory can be used to install the
          header and library files in the standard DJGPP include and
          library directories by issuing the "make install" command. NOTE:
          this will work only if you unarchived the package in the
          directory where DJGPP is installed. Alternatively, you can use
          the header and library files in their original location, but then
          you have to supply 'gcc' with the proper include and library

They LIED it doesn't work!!!
Make install craps out there is no make file except make.bat which craps
out using the "default" parameter and has no install parameter.

My roommate who actually knows what he's doing tried and couldn't get
anywhere either.

|     Lawney Rosebrook            |      Information superhighway..         |
| In stereo where available       |      ... Slow traffic keep right        |

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