Mail Archives: djgpp/1994/03/04/08:36:45
> Dear DJ,
> I am developping a soft which calculates electromagnetic wave scattering
> from rough interface using DJGPP. The fact is I need a math library for
> complex computing, linear algebra, etc. Are any of these available anywhere?
> yoshi
If you are willing to go C++ you can get gppxx from a djgpp distributionn site
and use the Complex class for complex computations.
A list of freely available packages for linear algebra and other numerical
stuff is posted monthly to sci.math.num-analysis, comp.lang.c, comp.lang.c++
and other newsgroups. If you drop me a note, I can e-mail it to you.
+ Angelo Ferrigno + Phone : +39 2 58160.316 +
+ AT&T GIS Italy - WWIS + Fax : +39 2 58160.291 +
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