Mail Archives: djgpp/1993/08/04/12:57:32
Here is the source code for a new type driver for the Realtek SVGA (1M).
It has been coded modifying tr89000.asm. In fact the changes are only
to the tables of text and graphic modes and to the paging routine.
It supports modeX graphics too.
I tested it with modetest and with all the test programs that come with
libgrx 1.02 and it seems to have no problem.
If someone else using this SVGA board tries it and sends
me a bug report for any problem, I can try to fix it.
I will be very happy if Csaba includes this driver in the next release of
Bye R.Mattolini
Here the code:
--------------------------------Cut Here--------------------------------------
; This is file realtek.ASM
; Copyright (C) 1991 DJ Delorie, 24 Kirsten Ave, Rochester NH 03867-2954
; Copyright (C) 1992 Csaba Biegl, 820 Stirrup Dr, Nashville, TN 37221
; Copyright (C) 1993 R Mattolini, 113 v. Guerrazzi, Sesto Italy 50019
; This file is distributed under the terms listed in the document
; "", available from DJ Delorie at the address above.
; A copy of "" should accompany this file; if not, a copy
; should be available from where this file was obtained. This file
; may not be distributed without a verbatim copy of "".
; This file is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
cseg segment byte public 'code'
assume cs:cseg, ds:cseg, es:cseg, ss:nothing
req_T28 equ 1 ; enable 80x28x16 text mode
req_T50 equ 1 ; enable 80x50x16 text mode
req_3516 equ 1 ; enable 720x350x16 graphics mode
req_4816 equ 1 ; enable 720x480x16 graphics mode
req_lowX equ 1 ; enable 320x240/320x400/360x480 256 color modes
req_hiX equ 1 ; enable high resolution mode X support
; The following entries MUST match the structure and constant
; declarations in the file 'grdriver.h' of the GRX graphics library
; The mode word should contain the following bitfields:
; - the GRD_NEW_DRIVER bit set for any new format driver
; - the adapter type field should be specified
; - the memory size field should be specified
; - the paging mode field should be specified
; The mode set routine will OR in the plane bitfield as it will
; change when different color number modes are requested.
dw offset mode_set_routine
dw offset paging_routine
; The 'def_xx' fields are filled in by go32 from the corresponding
; fields of the 'GO32' environment variable
def_tw dw 80 ; text width
def_th dw 25 ; text height
def_gw dw 640 ; graphics width
def_gh dw 480 ; graphics height
def_nc dw 16 ; graphics colors
dw offset driver_init_routine
dw offset text_mode_table
dw offset graphics_mode_table
; Biggest text and graphics sizes
Max_TW equ 132
Max_TH equ 60
Max_GWn equ 800 ; non interlaced!!!
Max_GHn equ 600
Max_GW equ 1024 ; may be interlaced
Max_GH equ 768
; - keep sorted by size
; - end with an all 0 entry
; - BIOS field = 0xff disables it
; - fields:
; width, height, colors, BIOS#+ setup_procedure_index*256
text_mode_table label word
dw 80, 25, 2, 007h + 00000h
dw 40, 25, 16, 001h + 00000h
dw 80, 25, 16, 003h + 00000h
if req_T28
dw 80, 28, 16, 003h + val_T28
dw 80, 30, 16, 018h + 00000h
dw 80, 43, 16, 019h + 00000h
if req_T50
dw 80, 50, 16, 003h + val_T50
dw 80, 60, 16, 01ah + 00000h
dw 132, 25, 16, 01bh + 00000h
dw 132, 30, 16, 01ch + 00000h
dw 132, 43, 16, 01dh + 00000h
dw 132, 60, 16, 01eh + 00000h
dw 0, 0, 0, 000h + 00000h
; - keep sorted first by colors then by size
; - end with an all 0 entry
; - BIOS field = 0xff disables it
; - fields:
; width, height, colors, BIOS#+ setup_procedure_index*256
graphics_mode_table label word
dw 320, 200, 16, 00dh + 00000h
dw 640, 200, 16, 00eh + 00000h
dw 640, 350, 16, 010h + 00000h
dw 640, 480, 16, 012h + 00000h
if req_3516
dw 720, 350, 16, val_3516 ; Tweaked 16 color mode
if req_4816
dw 720, 480, 16, val_4816 ; Tweaked 16 color mode
dw 800, 600, 16, 01fh + 00000h
dw 960, 720, 16, 020h + 00000h
dw 1024, 768, 16, 021h + 00000h
dw 1280, 1024, 16, 02ah + 00000h
dw 320, 200, 256, 013h + 00000h
dw 320, 200, 256, 013h + val_hiX ; Mode X like
if req_lowX
dw 320, 240, 256, val_lowXa ; Mode X (<64k)
dw 320, 400, 256, val_lowXb ; Mode X (<64k)
dw 360, 480, 256, val_lowXc ; Mode X (<64k)
dw 640, 400, 256, 025h + 00000h
dw 512, 512, 256, 024h + 00000h
dw 640, 480, 256, 026h + 00000h
dw 800, 600, 256, 027h + 00000h
dw 1024, 768, 256, 028h + 00000h
dw 1024, 1024, 256, 029h + 00000h
dw 0, 0, 0, 000h + 00000h
; You may need such procedures for:
; -- reloading fonts on standard EGA or VGA for
; higher resolution text modes
; -- enable HiColor mode of some Super VGAs
; -- Handle the parameter passing conventions of the VESA BIOS
; -- put VGA into 256 color plane mode ("MODE X")
; -- etc...
; There should be one entry in the table for every non-zero
; 'setup_procedure_index' in the text and graphics mode tables.
; The first entry in the table belongs to index 100h, and so on.
; The special setup procedure is invoked via a near call.
; Entry: DI=address of the mode record from the text or graphics
; table to set up.
; Exit: Adapter configured
; BX=driver mode word as it should be returned by the mode set
; routine. Typically it involves picking up the mode word
; from the header and OR-ing in the appropriate bitplane mode
; bitfield. (This is not needed for text modes)
; AX, CX, DX, SI can be trashed, PRESERVE DI!!!!
; NOTE: This runs in real mode, but don't mess with the segment registers.
special_setup_table label word
; No chipset specific set up routines other than in needed
include ; load VGA non BIOS modes
; called once after the driver is loaded
; may do one or more of the followings:
; - check for proper board type
; - check amount of RAM on board, and:
; -- update word in header to reflect correct amount
; -- disable modes in the tables for which there is not enough RAM
; - check for special equipment (HiColor DAC, etc...)
; Entry: nothing
; Exit: AX=status:
; non-zero: OK,
; 0: something went wrong (e.g. wrong adapter, etc..)
; BX,CX,DX may be trashed
; NOTE: This runs in real mode, but don't mess with the segment registers.
driver_init_routine proc far
mov ax,1
driver_init_routine endp
; sets up a text or graphics mode as close as possible to the one
; reguested by the user with regard to number of colors and size.
; Entry: AX=mode selection
; 0 = 80x25 text
; 1 = default text
; 2 = text CX cols by DX rows
; 3 = biggest text
; 4 = 320x200 graphics
; 5 = default graphics
; 6 = graphics CX width by DX height
; 7 = biggest non-interlaced graphics
; 8 = biggest graphics
; 9 = graphics BX colors, CX width by DX height
; Exit: BX=driver mode flag
; CX=width (in pixels or characters)
; DX=height
; NOTE: This runs in real mode, but don't mess with the segment registers.
mode_set_routine proc far
push ds
push di
push si
mov si,cs
mov ds,si
cmp ax,9
jbe DoIt
jmp Exit
DoIt: add ax,ax
mov si,ax
jmp WORD PTR mode_set_table[si]
mode_set_table label word
dw offset mode_0
dw offset mode_1
dw offset mode_2
dw offset mode_3
dw offset mode_4
dw offset mode_5
dw offset mode_6
dw offset mode_7
dw offset mode_8
dw offset mode_9
mode_0: mov si,offset text_mode_table ; 80x25 text
mov bx,def_nc
mov cx,80
mov dx,25
jmp Lookup
mode_1: mov si,offset text_mode_table ; default text
mov bx,def_nc
mov cx,def_tw
mov dx,def_th
jmp Lookup
mode_2: mov si,offset text_mode_table ; CX*DX text
mov bx,def_nc
jmp Lookup
mode_3: mov si,offset text_mode_table ; biggest text
mov bx,def_nc
mov cx,Max_TW
mov dx,Max_TH
jmp Lookup
mode_4: mov si,offset graphics_mode_table ; 320x200 graphics
mov bx,def_nc
mov cx,320
mov dx,200
jmp Lookup
mode_5: mov si,offset graphics_mode_table ; default graphics
mov bx,def_nc
mov cx,def_gw
mov dx,def_gh
jmp Lookup
mode_6: mov si,offset graphics_mode_table ; CX*DX graphics
mov bx,def_nc
jmp Lookup
mode_7: mov si,offset graphics_mode_table ; biggest non-interlaced gr
mov bx,def_nc
mov cx,Max_GWn
mov dx,Max_GHn
jmp Lookup
mode_8: mov si,offset graphics_mode_table ; biggest graphics
mov bx,def_nc
mov cx,Max_GW
mov dx,Max_GH
jmp Lookup
mode_9: mov si,offset graphics_mode_table ; CX*DX graphics w/ BX colors
; At this point:
; SI points to the table to search (text or graphics)
; BX has colors
; CX has width
; DX has height
Lookup: xor ax,ax ; last color number seen
Find_C: cmp [si+4],ax ; last color number == this?
je Same_C
jb Prev_C ; end of table -- use last color
cmp BYTE PTR [si+6],0ffh ; valid entry ?
je Prev_C ; not -- use last color
mov ax,[si+4] ; record color number
mov di,si ; start of entries w/ this color
cmp ax,bx ; enough colors ?
jae Find_S
Same_C: add si,8
jmp Find_C
Prev_C: or ax,ax ; found any color at all?
je Exit
; At this point:
; DI points into the table to the first entry with the desired color
; number (either it has enough colors or it is the highest color
; number supported by the driver). Additionally, at least the
; first (= smallest size) entry for this color is valid (has a
; valid BIOS number).
; AX has the color number adjusted for the driver
; CX has width
; DX has height
Find_S: cmp [di+4],ax ; still the same color #?
jne Prev_S
cmp BYTE PTR [di+6],0ffh ; valid entry ?
je Prev_S
cmp [di],cx
jb Next_S
cmp [di+2],dx
jae GotIt
Next_S: add di,8
jmp Find_S
Prev_S: sub di,8
; At this point:
; DI points to the table entry we want to set up
GotIt: mov ax,[di+6] ; BIOS mode number
or ah,ah ; special ?
je doBIOS
mov al,ah
xor ah,ah
dec ax
add ax,ax
mov si,ax
call WORD PTR special_setup_table[si]
jmp RetVal
doBIOS: int 10h
mov bx,GRD_1_PLANE
cmp WORD PTR [di+4],2 ; 2 colors ?
je doFLAG
mov bx,GRD_4_PLANES
cmp WORD PTR [di+4],16 ; 16 colors ?
je doFLAG
mov bx,GRD_8_PLANES
cmp WORD PTR [di+4],256 ; 256 colors ?
je doFLAG
mov bx,GRD_16_PLANES
cmp WORD PTR [di+4],32768 ; 32K colors ?
je doFLAG
mov bx,GRD_PLANE_MASK ; something is wrong!!
doFLAG: or bx,mode_W
RetVal: mov cx,[di]
mov dx,[di+2]
Exit: pop si
pop di
pop ds
mode_set_routine endp
; Entry: AH=read page
; AL=write page
; Exit: VGA configured.
; AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI may be trashed
; NOTE: This runs in protected mode! Don't mess with the segment registers!
; This code must be relocatable and may not reference any data!
assume ds:nothing, es:nothing
paging_routine proc far
mov cx,ax
mov dx,3d6h
mov al,ch
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,cl
out dx,al
paging_routine endp
cseg ends
- Raw text -