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> Again, I would be interested in the specifics of your perceived problem. I needed a sense of your direction. You have stated your position, that clears it up. I would like to use cygwin in a certain environment that can accomodate established local policies. As further development takes place I don't want to lose what already works. For instance selecting the mount point of the root directory as someplace other than C:\. The reasoning for this line of questioning is that it is important for me to understand the expectations of a project to see if I can align with these expectations and contribute. Otherwise it is an exercise in futility. > What software are you running to lock out specific users? NTwsSP5, using just the admin setup wizards. > Is this a built-in capability of Windows? Yes > Have you purchased this software? Is the software "home grown"? No From here on I will just submit code related questions and findings. Once again thanks for your time.
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