Mail Archives: cygwin-developers/2000/04/17/16:33:04

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From: Chris Faylor <cgf AT cygnus DOT com>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 17:31:28 -0400
To: cygwin-developers AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
Subject: Re: setup triubles
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Reply-To: cygwin-developers AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
Mail-Followup-To: cgf AT cygnus DOT com, cygwin-developers AT sourceware DOT cygnus DOT com
References: <upurobxfz DOT fsf AT mailandnews DOT com>
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In-Reply-To: <>; from on Mon, Apr 17, 2000 at 06:42:56PM +0400

What's this a bug report *AND* a patch?

cgf faints.

On Mon, Apr 17, 2000 at 06:42:56PM +0400, Vadim Egorov wrote:
>Below is a patch which solves some of problems I met while trying
>to install the new net release.
>Problems were caused by Novel Border Manager which was used as ftp proxy. 
>I found that it generates  quite hmm... uncommon ftp listing and the setup 
>program was a bit confused with it.
>The ftp listing contains <BASE> element defining base url and <A> elements
>with relative path names in their href attributes. In addition each line
>in the listing begins with '\0'.
>Finally, after I got through it my drive got cluttered with all these miserable
>ftp listings, so I added a couple of unlink calls.  
>Then all went smooth until I found that the small white-blue icon I used to see 
>since B20 times got lost and cygwin console window is now uglified with MSDOS 
>icon. What one can expect to see though such a window? I believe that it may
>result in numerous hard to find bugs, performance degradation and overall 
>One more thing - uninstall script hasn't deleted 
>/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/2.95.2libstdc++.a which is a symlik to
>Vadim Egorov 
>Index: setup.c
>RCS file: /cvs/src/src/winsup/cinstall/setup.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.19
>diff -c -r1.19 setup.c
>*** setup.c	2000/04/17 04:01:31	1.19
>--- setup.c	2000/04/17 12:10:44
>*** 21,27 ****
>  #define CYGNUS_KEY "Software\\Cygnus Solutions"
>  #define DEF_ROOT "C:\\cygwin"
>! #define DOWNLOAD_SUBDIR "latest"
>  #define SCREEN_LINES 25
>  #define COMMAND9X " /E:4096 /c "
>--- 21,27 ----
>  #define CYGNUS_KEY "Software\\Cygnus Solutions"
>  #define DEF_ROOT "C:\\cygwin"
>! #define DOWNLOAD_SUBDIR "latest/"
>  #define SCREEN_LINES 25
>  #define COMMAND9X " /E:4096 /c "
>*** 580,589 ****
>  char *
>  findhref (char *buffer)
>  {
>!   char *ref = strstr (buffer, "href=");
>    if (!ref)
>!     ref = strstr (buffer, "HREF=");
>    if (ref)
>      {
>--- 580,598 ----
>  char *
>  findhref (char *buffer)
>  {
>!   char *ref;
>!   char *anchor = strstr (buffer, "<A");
>+   if (!anchor)
>+     anchor = strstr (buffer, "<a");
>+   if (!anchor)
>+       return 0;
>+   ref = strstr (anchor, "href=");
>    if (!ref)
>!     ref = strstr (anchor, "HREF=");
>    if (ref)
>      {
>*** 609,615 ****
>    while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), in))
>      {
>!       char *ref = findhref (buffer);
>        if (ref)
>  	{
>--- 618,624 ----
>    while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), in))
>      {
>!       char *ref = findhref (buffer[0] ? buffer : buffer + 1);
>        if (ref)
>  	{
>*** 708,714 ****
>--- 717,726 ----
>    char *file = tmpfilename ();
>    if (geturl (session, url, file, 1))
>+   {
>      retval = processdirlisting (session, url, file);
>+     unlink (file);
>+   }
>    xfree (file);
>    return retval;
>*** 735,741 ****
>        char *file = tmpfilename ();
>        if (geturl (session, url, file, 1))
>! 	retval = processdirlisting (session, url, file);
>        xfree (file);
>--- 747,756 ----
>        char *file = tmpfilename ();
>        if (geturl (session, url, file, 1))
>!       {
>!         retval = processdirlisting (session, url, file);
>!         unlink (file);
>!       }
>        xfree (file);

- Raw text -

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