Mail Archives: cygwin-developers/1998/03/01/00:28:11
Christopher Faylor wrote:
> <<File: dupfix.gz>>
> I was surprised to find zsh stopped working with the release version of
> B19. The reason is that it does an fdopen(..., "w+") on a file handle
> that has been duped.
> Unfortunately, cygwin didn't preserve the settings file handles across
> a dup. Apparently fdopen is now checking this more stringently.
> patch from cgf AT bbc DOT com (Christopher Faylor)
> * (dup2): Ensure that an fd's flags are duplicated along
> with the fd itself.
Chris, your patch looks strange for me... hinfo_vec::dup2() copies all
flags! A had fdopen() problems with b19 release too, but solved them in a
different way: (fhandler_base::init): set file access flags corresponding to
acees mode. include fcntl.h
(fhandler_socket::fhandler_socket): set socket descriptor access flags
to O_RDWR.
Sergey Okhapkin,
Moscow, Russia
Looking for a job
begin 600 fdopen.diff
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