Mail Archives: cygwin-developers/1998/02/02/05:41:20
I've splitted dllinit.diff I sent you some time ago into modified
Philippe's patch to copy data areas of dlls on fork (I'll keep this patch
in sync with winsup snapshots till Cygnus will receive assignment form from
Philippe) and some my tty-related changes. BTW, rxvt terminal emulator
doesn't works with the latest winsup snapshot after the latest Ian's
changes in tty code. (FakeReadFile): limit bytes to read to 30000 due to Windows NT
kill foreground process group with SIGWINCH on console buffer size
change if tty support enabled.
include/sys/termios.h more constants defined. (fhandler_pty_master::ioctl): kill foreground process group with
SIGWINCH on window resizing.
Sergey Okhapkin,
Moscow, Russia
Looking for a job.
begin 600 termios.diff
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