Mail Archives: cygwin/2024/01/17/14:30:48

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Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:29:40 -0700
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Subject: Re: Cygwin 3.5 is coming soon, please test!
To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
References: <Zae9hDBkmmNj5RuS AT calimero DOT vinschen DOT de>
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From: Brian Inglis via Cygwin <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
Reply-To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Cc: Brian Inglis <Brian DOT Inglis AT SystematicSW DOT ab DOT ca>
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On 2024-01-17 04:44, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin-announce wrote:
> Hi folks,
> we're planning to release Cygwin 3.5 end of this month (Jan 2024) if
> nothing serious crops up.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> One major change in this release is dropping Windows 7, Windows 8,
> Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2012 from the list of
> supported operating systems.
> For those of you still running one of these old systems (despite
> them all being unsupported and unpatched by the vendor), we will
> keep the last 3.4 release (3.4.10) available for quite some time.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The minimum supported OS version when running Cygwin 3.5 will be
> Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> In this phase of development, we concentrate mainly on avoiding
> regressions from 3.4.10.
> It would be kind if some of you would start testing, by downloading
> the test release. The last test release at the moment of writing this
> mail is
>    cygwin		3.5.0-0.560.g07cccc74a5da
> Latest documentation is
>    cygwin-doc		3.5.0-0.560.g07cccc74a5da
> Developers developing Cygwin applications should also switch to
> the matching developer files:
>    cygwin-devel		3.5.0-0.560.g07cccc74a5da
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> What's new:
> -----------
> - Drop support for Windows 7, Windows 8, Server 2008 R2 and Server 2012.
> - Console devices (/dev/consN) are now accessible by processes attached
>    to other consoles or ptys. Thanks to this new feature, GNU screen and
>    tmux now work in the console.
> - newgrp(1) tool.
> - cygcheck has new options searching for available packages in the
>    cygwin distro, as well as getting extended info on available and
>    installed packages.
> - fnmatch(3) and glob(3) now support named character classes, equivalence
>    class expressions, and collating symbols in the search pattern, i.e.,
>    [:alnum:], [=a=], [.aa.].
> - Introduce /dev/disk directory with various by-* subdirectories which
>    provide symlinks to disk and partition raw devices:
>    by-drive/DRIVE_LETTER ->  ../../sdXN
>    by-label/VOLUME_LABEL ->  ../../sdXN
>    by-id/BUSTYPE-[VENDOR_]PRODUCT_[SERIAL|0xHASH][-partN] -> ../../sdX[N]
>    by-partuuid/MBR_SERIAL-OFFSET -> ../../sdXN
>    by-partuuid/GPT_GUID -> ../../sdXN
>    by-uuid/VOLUME_SERIAL -> ../../sdXN
>    by-voluuid/MBR_SERIAL-OFFSET -> ../../sdXN
>    by-voluuid/VOLUME_GUID -> ../../sdXN
>    The subdirectories by-drive and by-voluuid are Cygwin specific.
> - Introduce /proc/codesets and /proc/locales with information on
>    supported codesets and locales for all interested parties.  Locale(1)
>    opens these files and uses the info for printing locale info like any
>    other process could do.
> - Add support for GB18030 codeset.
> - Add support for lseek flags SEEK_DATA and SEEK_HOLE, a GNU extension.
> - New API calls: posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir_np,
>    posix_spawn_file_actions_addfchdir_np.
> - New API calls: c8rtomb, c16rtomb, c32rtomb, mbrtoc8, mbrtoc16, mbrtoc32.
> - New API call: close_range (available on FreeBSD and Linux).
> - New API call: fallocate (Linux-specific).
> - Implement OSS-based sound mixer device (/dev/mixer).
> What changed:
> -------------
> - posix_spawnp no longer falls back to starting the shell for unrecognized
>    files as execvp.  For the reasoning, see
> - FIFOs now also work on NFS filesystems.
> - Enable automatic sparsifying of files on SSDs, independent of the
>    "sparse" mount mode.
> - When RLIMIT_CORE is more than 1MB, a core dump file which can be loaded by gdb
>    is now written on a fatal error. Otherwise, if it's greater than zero, a text
>    format .stackdump file is written, as previously.
> - The default RLIMIT_CORE is now 0, disabling the generation of core dump or
>    stackdump files.

Recommend also upgrade dash to test release 0.5.12-5 which uses some of the new 
interfaces, and untest-ing this be coordinated with the Cygwin 3.5 release:

	Test: dash 0.5.12-5 (TEST)

version: 0.5.12-5
depends2: cygwin ( >= 3.5.0-0 )
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte                   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer     but when there is no more to cut
                                 -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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