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Date: | Tue, 11 Jan 2022 10:45:00 -0800 (PST) |
X-X-Sender: | jeremyd AT resin DOT csoft DOT net |
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Subject: | Re: posix_spawn issues on i686 |
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From: | Jeremy Drake via Cygwin <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com> |
Reply-To: | Jeremy Drake <cygwin AT jdrake DOT com> |
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --14594298871808-893947222-1641926700=:11760 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII On Mon, 10 Jan 2022, Jeremy Drake wrote: > From > > MSYS2 recently rebuilt GNU make 4.3, and I found that after rebuilding, it > broke rather horribly on i686, where any attempt to run a command resulted > in "Invalid argument" errors. Some debugging revealed that rebuilding > make resulted in it using posix_spawn now instead of vfork. Passing > --disable-posix-spawn to make's configure script results in a working i686 > make. > > Can you create a simple, self-contained testcase in plain C? Sorry, I am not subscribed to the list so don't have the message to reply to for threading purposes, but attached please find a C reproducer that works on x86_64 but fails on i686. The particular issue seems to be the POSIX_SPAWN_RESETIDS flag - not setting that allows i686 to succeed too. --14594298871808-893947222-1641926700=:11760 Content-Type: text/x-c; name=posix_spawn.c Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <alpine DOT BSO DOT 2 DOT 21 DOT 2201111045000 DOT 11760 AT resin DOT csoft DOT net> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=posix_spawn.c I2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGxpYi5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN0ZGlvLmg+DQojaW5j bHVkZSA8c3RyaW5nLmg+DQoNCiNpbmNsdWRlIDx1bmlzdGQuaD4NCiNpbmNs dWRlIDxzcGF3bi5oPg0KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHN5cy93YWl0Lmg+DQoNCmV4dGVy biBjaGFyICoqZW52aXJvbjsNCg0KaW50IG1haW4oKQ0Kew0KICAgIHBpZF90 IHBpZDsNCiAgICBjaGFyICphcmd2W10gPSB7InNoIiwgIi1jIiwgImVjaG8g aGkiLCBOVUxMfTsNCiAgICBwb3NpeF9zcGF3bmF0dHJfdCBhdHRyOw0KICAg IGludCBzdGF0dXM7DQogICAgc2hvcnQgZmxhZ3MgPSBQT1NJWF9TUEFXTl9S RVNFVElEUzsNCg0KICAgIGlmICgoc3RhdHVzID0gcG9zaXhfc3Bhd25hdHRy X2luaXQoJmF0dHIpKSAhPSAwKSB7DQogICAgICAgIHByaW50ZigicG9zaXhf c3Bhd25hdHRyX2luaXQ6ICVzXG4iLCBzdHJlcnJvcihzdGF0dXMpKTsNCgly ZXR1cm4gc3RhdHVzOw0KICAgIH0NCiAgICBpZiAoKHN0YXR1cyA9IHBvc2l4 X3NwYXduYXR0cl9zZXRmbGFncygmYXR0ciwgZmxhZ3MpKSAhPSAwKSB7DQog ICAgICAgIHByaW50ZigicG9zaXhfc3Bhd25hdHRyX3NldGZsYWdzOiAlc1xu Iiwgc3RyZXJyb3Ioc3RhdHVzKSk7DQoJcmV0dXJuIHN0YXR1czsNCiAgICB9 DQoNCiAgICBzdGF0dXMgPSBwb3NpeF9zcGF3bigmcGlkLCAiL2Jpbi9zaCIs IE5VTEwsICZhdHRyLCBhcmd2LCBlbnZpcm9uKTsNCiAgICBpZiAoc3RhdHVz ID09IDApIHsNCiAgICAgICAgcHJpbnRmKCJDaGlsZCBwaWQ6ICVpXG4iLCBw aWQpOw0KICAgICAgICBkbyB7DQogICAgICAgICAgaWYgKHdhaXRwaWQocGlk LCAmc3RhdHVzLCAwKSAhPSAtMSkgew0KICAgICAgICAgICAgcHJpbnRmKCJD aGlsZCBzdGF0dXMgJWRcbiIsIFdFWElUU1RBVFVTKHN0YXR1cykpOw0KICAg ICAgICAgIH0gZWxzZSB7DQogICAgICAgICAgICBwZXJyb3IoIndhaXRwaWQi KTsNCiAgICAgICAgICAgIHJldHVybiAxOw0KICAgICAgICAgIH0NCiAgICAg ICAgfSB3aGlsZSAoIVdJRkVYSVRFRChzdGF0dXMpICYmICFXSUZTSUdOQUxF RChzdGF0dXMpKTsNCiAgICB9IGVsc2Ugew0KICAgICAgICBwcmludGYoInBv c2l4X3NwYXduOiAlc1xuIiwgc3RyZXJyb3Ioc3RhdHVzKSk7DQogICAgfQ0K ICAgIHJldHVybiBzdGF0dXM7DQp9DQo= --14594298871808-893947222-1641926700=:11760 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: --14594298871808-893947222-1641926700=:11760--
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