Mail Archives: cygwin/2021/08/03/12:14:58

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Subject: Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: libidn{, 12, -devel, -doc} mingw64-{x86_64,
i686}-libidn 1.38
References: <announce DOT 20210802111927 DOT 50466-1-Brian DOT Inglis AT SystematicSW DOT ab DOT ca>
<60eee993-c788-97d5-8ea0-e708564e54b1 AT dronecode DOT org DOT uk>
To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
From: Brian Inglis <Brian DOT Inglis AT SystematicSw DOT ab DOT ca>
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Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2021 10:14:14 -0600
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On 2021-08-03 09:56, Jon Turney wrote:
> On 02/08/2021 18:19, Cygwin libidn2 Maintainer wrote:
>> The following packages have been upgraded in the Cygwin distribution:
>> * libidn			1.38
>> * libidn12			1.38
>> * libidn-devel		1.38
>> * libidn-doc			1.38
>> * mingw64-x86_64-libidn	1.38
>> * mingw64-i686-libidn	1.38
>> and the following package has been obsoleted from the Cygwin 
>> distribution:
>> * libidn11			1.33
> I've reverted that obsoletion, by removing 'obsoletes: libidn11' from 
> the hint for libidn12, since it apparently still has some uses.

Thanks Jon,

Can users just rerun Cygwin Setup so that it will update setup.ini and 
reinstall cygidn-11.dll?

Is obsoleting previous dlls something that we should not do on a package 
ABI break?

How should maintainers handle such situations in cygport?

I would like to know the correct approach to take to mitigate this and 
future such situations, before I create a libidn -2 package release.

Packages impacted would include:

$ cygcheck-dep -qcOSn libidn11 libgmime3.0_0 libgs9 libgsasl7 
libloudmouth1_0 libpodofo0.9.{5,6} libpurple0 libinfinity0.6_0 libgvc6 
libMagickCore6_2 libMagickCore6_5 libMagickCore6_6 libMagickCore7_7 
libspectre1 libinfgtk3_0.6_0 libcurl4
  libidn11: is needed for ( libgmime3.0_0 libgs9 libgsasl7 
libloudmouth1_0 libpodofo0.9.3 libpodofo0.9.4 libpodofo0.9.5 
libpodofo0.9.6 libpurple0 monotone msmtp mutt whois )
  libgmime3.0_0: is needed for ( gambas3-gb-mime girepository-GMime3.0 
grilo0.3-plugins libgmime3.0-devel libtotem-plparser18 
libxplayer-plparser18 )
  libgs9: is needed for ( ghostscript gimp libgs-devel libgvc6 
libMagickCore6_2 libMagickCore6_5 libMagickCore6_6 libMagickCore7_7 
libspectre1 texlive xfig )
  libgsasl7: is needed for ( gsasl libcurl4 libgsasl-devel 
libinfinity0.6_0 )
  libloudmouth1_0: is needed for ( abiword-plugins libloudmouth1-devel )
  libpodofo0.9.5: is needed for ( krename scribus )
  libpodofo0.9.6: is needed for ( libpodofo-devel podofo )
  libpurple0: is needed for ( finch libpurple-devel pidgin 
pidgin-bonjour pidgin-facebook pidgin-funyahoo-plusplus pidgin-gadugadu 
pidgin-indicator pidgin-sametime pidgin-skypeweb pidgin-tcl telepathy-haze )
  libinfinity0.6_0: is needed for ( gobby0.5 infinoted0.6 
libinfgtk3_0.6_0 libinfinity0.6-devel )
  libgvc6: is needed for ( gda-browser5.0 graphviz guile-gv gvedit 
libgvc-devel libMagickCore7_7 libvala0.38_0 lua-gv ocaml-gv perl-gv 
php-gv python2-gv python27-gv python3-gv python36-gv python37-gv ruby-gv 
tcl-tcldot )
  libMagickCore6_2: is needed for ( libMagickC++6_6 libMagickWand6_2 )
  libMagickCore6_5: is needed for ( libMagickWand6_5 psiconv )
  libMagickCore6_6: is needed for ( libautotrace3 libMagickC++6_8 
libMagickWand6_6 )
  libMagickCore7_7: is needed for ( ImageMagick libMagick-devel 
libMagickC++7_4 libMagickWand7_7 perl-Image-Magick )
  libspectre1: is needed for ( atril cantor libevdocument3_4 
libgoffice0.10_10 libspectre-devel okular4-part okular5-part qpdfview 
zathura-ps )
  libinfgtk3_0.6_0: is needed for ( gobby0.5 libinfgtk3_0.6-devel )
  libcurl4: is needed for ( asymptote audacious-plugins cdo clamav cmake 
cmake-gui curl feh gambas3-gb-net-curl geoipupdate gimp-gmic git gmic 
gnupg google-breakpad-tools gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-free-extras klavaro 
libcfitsio7 libcfitsio9 libcgmic2 libcurl-devel libgdal20 libgdal26 
libgdal28 libgdal29 libgit2_23 libgit2_24 libgit2_25 libgmic1 libgmic2 
libmediainfo0 libnetcdf11 libnetcdf13 libnetcdf15 libnetcdf19 liboauth0 
libofx-tools libpoppler106 libpoppler62 libpoppler66 libpoppler68 
libpoppler73 libpoppler99 libproj22 libquvi0.9_4 libraptor2_0 
libtesseract-ocr_4 libvirt0 libwsman_client4 mariadb-common mpd ncmpcpp 
nmh octave osslsigncode perl-WWW-Curl php-curl qmmp quvi R rtorrent 
transmission transmission-gtk transmission-qt transmission-remote-gtk 
tumbler vorbis-tools weechat )

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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