Mail Archives: cygwin/2020/06/27/01:02:52

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To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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Subject: Re: Re: Listing only manually installed package
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> Just checked the setup sources, so unless there is a bug, you are running a
> setup version over 5 years old, or not running Cygwin setup, user_picked is part
> of the package metadata that is still read from and written to installed.db.
FYI,  I'm seeing the same thing as Yasuhiro.

I purchased a new personal Windows 10 Home laptop and Windows 10 Pro 
desktop in March, and received a new Windows 10 Enterprise laptop for 
work this week.  On all 3 systems I downloaded setup-x86_64 from and first installed cygwin without adding any additional 
packages.  I then ran setup again to install a more packages that I 
needed for personal use or work use (respectively).  On all three 
machines the "manual" commands show nothing and the "auto" commands 
(appear to) show everything.  Its been a couple months so I don't 
remember what I manually installed on the personal machines, but the 
work machine was only 2 days ago, and I remember installing at least bc 
and psmisc (and maybe curl).  FWIW, I'm not sure if its relevant, but 
running setup now and selecting "Picked" from the drop down shows 
"Nothing to install or update".

Is there a log file somewhere where I can see what packages were 
installed/updated in each run of setup?

     - Peter Canning

PS: I would love a way to get this listing, as it would have simplified 
installing cygwin on all 3 systems (replicating the installations on the 
systems they replaced).

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