Mail Archives: cygwin/2020/03/24/06:25:38

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Subject: Re: bug report: shell expansion in argv[] processing sensitive to
LANG, e.g. "ls: cannot access '*.pdf': No such file or directory", but works
okay in bash
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Am 24.03.2020 um 08:18 schrieb Jay Libove via Cygwin:
> Hi Cygwin team,
> Here is a consolidated bug report based on the discussion in recent days which I'd started under the subject " shell expansion produces e.g. "ls: cannot access '*.pdf': No such file or directory" in Windows CMD shell, but works okay in bash " (thread starter )
> Many thanks to Paul, Andrey, and others for helping me nail down where and how it seems to be happening.
> My apologies in advance that my coding days are long behind me, so I'm not in a position to include a proposed code fix.
> cygcheck output attached (lightly modified to redact a couple of personal items).
> Problem:
> Under certain circumstances (see Steps to Reproduce, below) Cygwin programs' built-in argv[] globbing will produce unexpected:
> "{programName}: cannot access '{glob pattern}: No such file or directory"
> e.g.
> "ls: cannot access '*.pdf': No such file or directory"
> .. despite the fact that e.g. *.pdf definitely exists.
> Steps to Reproduce:
> * Have some files in the local director with accented characters in the names, e.g.:
> C:> mkdir c:\temp\test
> C:> cd c:\temp\test
> C:> touch héllo.pdf
> C:> touch gòodbye.pdf
> C:> touch normal.pdf
> * DON'T have the LANG= environment variable set to anything
> * NOT in bash or Cygwin Terminal, but rather within Windows CMD.exe, execute a Cygwin command which needs to do file name globbing because the Windows CMD.exe shells does not do so for it, e.g.
> C:> ls *.pdf
> C:> cat *.pdf
> These will produce "ls: cannot access '*.pdf': No such file or directory"
> Although, curiously,
> C:> ls *or*
> does correctly produce:
> normal.pdf
> Also, display output of the áccènted characters is incomplete:
> C:> ls
> 'g'$'\303\262''odbye.pdf'  'h'$'\303\251''llo.pdf'   normal.pdf
> C:> bash
> jay_l AT DESKTOP-I9MRIE3 /cygdrive/c/Temp
> $ ls
> 'g'$'\303\262''odbye.pdf'  'h'$'\303\251''llo.pdf'   normal.pdf
> Analysis:
> I've verified that it's not about case sensitivity. That is, it's not a matter of ls *.pdf vs. ls *.PDF.
> If these test commands are run either under bash.exe or within a Cygwin Terminal window, the problem does not occur.
> I've verified that the Windows system locale (per Windows' Region setting) actually doesn't matter. (I've reproduced this both on systems in Region Spain with language English-International and English-Ireland, and in a VM with a bog standard vanilla US English Windows).
> Credits to Paul for suggesting deleting files one by one until the problem goes away, and to Andrey for pointing out `locale` and the LANG= setting.
> Set LANG=en_US.UTF-8, e.g.
> C:> set LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> .. and the problem goes away.
> C:> ls *.pdf
> gòodbye.pdf
> héllo.pdf
> normal.pdf
> C:> ls
> gòodbye.pdf
> héllo.pdf
> normal.pdf
> Interestingly, Andrey mentioned that he sets LANG=ru_RU.CP866 and he doesn't see the problem. When I tried that exact setting, I still had the problem.
> So it's maybe not just that LANG must be set to *something*, but that somehow LANG must be set to something that matches something in Windows? (Sorry, I know that's nearly uselessly vague).
> In summary, it appears that the way that the argv[] globbing code which gets compiled in to Cygwin programs functions a bit differently than the way the shell globbing code works within bash.exe.
> And this produces unexpected globbing failures.
(As commented in the other thread already:)
Maybe it can simply be fixed by changing the order of setting up locale 
stuff and applying the expansion in cygwin?
(I would look into the code if I had a clue where to find the respective 

> Thanks to all the Cygwin maintainers for this amazing software, for so many years!
> -Jay
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