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From: | "James E. King III" <jking AT apache DOT org> |
Date: | Fri, 23 Nov 2018 11:27:37 -0500 |
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Subject: | No thread safety in clock_gettime (hires_ns::prime) |
To: | cygwin AT cygwin DOT com |
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--000000000000c5c3bd057b577664 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Using 32-bit cygwin that I set up yesterday. I found that a call to clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, ..) has a one-time initialization that is not thread-safe. If two threads call this at the same time, they will race. The results I am seeing are typically that one of the two callers get a timespec structure with zero values, and no error return code from the call. I prepared a small test that exposes this issue. Given it is a race condition, you have to run the test in a loop for it to happen. I have attached the Makefile and source code. If you run "make test" it will expose the issue: $ make test cc -c -o cyg_hires_clock_race.o cyg_hires_clock_race.c cc cyg_hires_clock_race.o -o cyg_hires_clock_race ERROR: one of the timespec structures was zero: main thread: tv_sec = 356242 tv_nsec = 376075900 2nd thread: tv_sec = 0 tv_nsec = 0 ERROR: one of the timespec structures was zero: main thread: tv_sec = 356242 tv_nsec = 519016800 2nd thread: tv_sec = 0 tv_nsec = 0 ERROR: one of the timespec structures was zero: main thread: tv_sec = 356242 tv_nsec = 734794100 2nd thread: tv_sec = 0 tv_nsec = 0 ERROR: one of the timespec structures was zero: main thread: tv_sec = 356243 tv_nsec = 463632400 2nd thread: tv_sec = 0 tv_nsec = 0 make: *** [Makefile:6: test] Error 1 Relevant cygwin version information: Cygwin DLL version info: DLL version: 2.11.2 DLL epoch: 19 DLL old termios: 5 DLL malloc env: 28 Cygwin conv: 181 API major: 0 API minor: 329 Shared data: 5 DLL identifier: cygwin1 Mount registry: 3 Cygwin registry name: Cygwin Installations name: Installations Cygdrive default prefix: Build date: Shared id: cygwin1S5 --000000000000c5c3bd057b577664 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"; name="cyg_hires_clock_race.c" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cyg_hires_clock_race.c" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <f_jou8ebzq0> X-Attachment-Id: f_jou8ebzq0 LyoKICogQ29weXJpZ2h0IChDKSAyMDE4IEphbWVzIEUuIEtpbmcgSUlJCiAq CiAqIEV4cG9zZXMgYSByYWNlIGNvbmRpdGlvbiBpbiBoaXJlcyBjbG9jayBp bml0aWFsaXphdGlvbgogKiBJZiB0d28gdGhyZWFkcyBjYWxsIDo6Y2xvY2tf Z2V0dGltZShDTE9DS19NT05PVE9OSUMpIHRoZXkKICogd2lsbCByYWNlIHRv IHBlcmZvcm0gb25lLXRpbWUgZ2xvYmFsIGluaXRpYWxpemF0aW9uLgogKiBE dXJpbmcgdGhpcyByYWNlIGl0IGlzIHBvc3NpYmxlIHRvIHNlZSB0aGUgdGlt ZXNwZWMgZmlsbGVkCiAqIGluIGJ5IDo6Y2xvY2tfZ2V0dGltZSBjYW4gaGF2 ZSB0dl9zZWMgPT0gMCAmJiB0dl9uc2VjID09IDAKICogCiAqIEFzIHRoaXMg aXMgYSByYWNlIHlvdSBoYXZlIHRvIHJ1biB0aGUgdGVzdCBpbiBhIGxvb3Ag dG8gY2F0Y2ggaXQuCiAqLwoKI2luY2x1ZGUgPGFzc2VydC5oPgojaW5jbHVk ZSA8cHRocmVhZC5oPgojaW5jbHVkZSA8c3RkaW8uaD4KI2luY2x1ZGUgPHRp bWUuaD4KCnZvaWQgKmZpbGxfdHModm9pZCAqdnRzKQp7CiAgICBzdHJ1Y3Qg dGltZXNwZWMgKnB0cyA9IChzdHJ1Y3QgdGltZXNwZWMgKil2dHM7CiAgICBh c3NlcnQoIWNsb2NrX2dldHRpbWUoQ0xPQ0tfTU9OT1RPTklDLCBwdHMpKTsK ICAgIHJldHVybiBOVUxMOwp9CgppbnQgbWFpbigpCnsKICAgIHN0cnVjdCB0 aW1lc3BlYyBtYWluX3RzOwogICAgc3RydWN0IHRpbWVzcGVjIHRocmVhZF90 czsKCiAgICBwdGhyZWFkX3QgdGhyOwogICAgYXNzZXJ0KCFwdGhyZWFkX2Ny ZWF0ZSgmdGhyLCBOVUxMLCAmZmlsbF90cywgJnRocmVhZF90cykpOwogICAg KHZvaWQpZmlsbF90cygmbWFpbl90cyk7CiAgICBhc3NlcnQoIXB0aHJlYWRf am9pbih0aHIsIE5VTEwpKTsKCiAgICBpbnQgZmFpbGVkID0KICAgICAgICAo KCAgbWFpbl90cy50dl9zZWMgPT0gMCAmJiAgIG1haW5fdHMudHZfbnNlYyA9 PSAwKSB8fAogICAgICAgICAodGhyZWFkX3RzLnR2X3NlYyA9PSAwICYmIHRo cmVhZF90cy50dl9uc2VjID09IDApKTsKCiAgICBpZiAoZmFpbGVkKQogICAg ewogICAgICAgIGZwcmludGYoc3RkZXJyLCAiRVJST1I6IG9uZSBvZiB0aGUg dGltZXNwZWMgc3RydWN0dXJlcyB3YXMgemVybzpcbiIpOwoJZnByaW50Zihz dGRlcnIsICJtYWluIHRocmVhZDogdHZfc2VjID0gJTEwdSB0dl9uc2VjID0g JTEwdVxuIiwgICBtYWluX3RzLnR2X3NlYywgICBtYWluX3RzLnR2X25zZWMp OwoJZnByaW50ZihzdGRlcnIsICIgMm5kIHRocmVhZDogdHZfc2VjID0gJTEw dSB0dl9uc2VjID0gJTEwdVxuIiwgdGhyZWFkX3RzLnR2X3NlYywgdGhyZWFk X3RzLnR2X25zZWMpOwoJcmV0dXJuIDE7CiAgICB9CgogICAgcmV0dXJuIDA7 Cn0K --000000000000c5c3bd057b577664 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=Makefile Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Makefile Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <f_jou8ec031> X-Attachment-Id: f_jou8ec031 YWxsOiBjeWdfaGlyZXNfY2xvY2tfcmFjZQoKY3lnX2hpcmVzX2Nsb2NrX3Jh Y2U6IGN5Z19oaXJlc19jbG9ja19yYWNlLm8KCnRlc3Q6IGN5Z19oaXJlc19j bG9ja19yYWNlCglAIGZvciBsb29wIGluIHsxLi4xMDB9OyBkbyAuL2N5Z19o aXJlc19jbG9ja19yYWNlLmV4ZTsgZG9uZQo= --000000000000c5c3bd057b577664 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: --000000000000c5c3bd057b577664--
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