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Date: | Tue, 7 Mar 2017 20:43:18 +0900 |
From: | Takashi Yano <takashi DOT yano AT nifty DOT ne DOT jp> |
To: | cygwin AT cygwin DOT com |
Subject: | Changing behaviour of pthread_cond_wait(). |
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--Multipart=_Tue__7_Mar_2017_20_43_18_+0900_WHN_arJRDl+j3mFs Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello, I would like to propose chaging behaviour of pthread_cond_wait(). POSIX states as follows about pthread_cond_wait(): If a signal is delivered to a thread waiting for a condition variable, upon return from the signal handler the thread resumes waiting for the condition variable as if it was not interrupted, or it returns zero due to spurious wakeup. cygwin 2.7.0 employs the latter behaviour, while Debian GNU/Linux and FreeBSD employ the former one. Of course, this is not a cygwin bug. However, IMHO, it is better to have the compatibility with the other major platforms. Because of this difference, iperf 2.0.5 is not terminated normally in cygwin 2.7.0. In client mode, iperf 2.0.5 does not stop after measurement automatically. It needs ^C to stop it. In server mode, iperf 2.0.5 can not stop even by ^C. Simple test case, attached (pt.c), reproduces this problem. I know this test case (and iperf 2.0.5) is essentially unsafe because pthread functions are called from signal handler. But, anyway it works in Debian GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. The test case acts as follows in Debian GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. % gcc pt.c -lpthread; ./a.out Thread 1 Alarm 2 Thread 3 % However, in cygwin, it acs as: % gcc pt.c; ./a.exe Thread 1 (Deadlock: ^C is needed to terminate.) % I would like to propose a patch attached (pthread.patch), for the above reason. With this patch, iperf 2.0.5 as well as the test case works fine. -- Takashi Yano <takashi DOT yano AT nifty DOT ne DOT jp> --Multipart=_Tue__7_Mar_2017_20_43_18_+0900_WHN_arJRDl+j3mFs Content-Type: text/x-csrc; name="pt.c" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pt.c" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <signal.h> pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t c; int flag = 0; #define N 2 void sig_handler(int sig) { pthread_mutex_lock(&m); flag ++; pthread_cond_signal(&c); printf("Alarm %d\n", flag); fflush(stdout); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m); } void *thread_main(void *args) { int i; for (i=0; i<N; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&m); flag ++; pthread_cond_signal(&c); printf("Thread %d\n", flag); fflush(stdout); pthread_mutex_unlock(&m); usleep(2000000); } return NULL; } int main() { pthread_t t; signal(SIGALRM, sig_handler); pthread_cond_init(&c, NULL); pthread_create(&t, NULL, thread_main, NULL); alarm(1); pthread_mutex_lock(&m); while (flag < N+1) { pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&m); return 0; } --Multipart=_Tue__7_Mar_2017_20_43_18_+0900_WHN_arJRDl+j3mFs Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="pthread.patch" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pthread.patch" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 RnJvbSBkOWMzYzUwOWQ2YjU2MDY5MDlkNjQxOWVlODlkZGQwNDIxMTcyNjE0 IE1vbiBTZXAgMTcgMDA6MDA6MDAgMjAwMQpGcm9tOiBUYWthc2hpIFlhbm8g PHRha2FzaGkueWFub0BuaWZ0eS5uZS5qcD4KRGF0ZTogVHVlLCA3IE1hciAy MDE3IDIwOjE1OjEyICswOTAwClN1YmplY3Q6IFtQQVRDSF0gdGhyZWFkLmNj OiBOb3csIHB0aHJlYWRfY29uZDo6d2FpdCgpIGRvZXMgbm90IHJldHVybiB3 aGVuIGEKIHNpZ25hbCBpcyBkZWxpdmVyZWQgdG8gdGhlIHRocmVhZCB3aGlj aCBjYWxsZWQgcHRocmVhZF9jb25kOjp3YWl0KCkuIFRoaXMKIGZpeGVzIHRo ZSBpc3N1ZSB0aGF0IGlwZXJmLTIuMC41IGlzIG5vdCB0ZXJtaW5hdGVkIG5v cm1hbGx5LgoKLS0tCiB3aW5zdXAvY3lnd2luL3RocmVhZC5jYyB8IDIgKy0K IDEgZmlsZSBjaGFuZ2VkLCAxIGluc2VydGlvbigrKSwgMSBkZWxldGlvbigt KQoKZGlmZiAtLWdpdCBhL3dpbnN1cC9jeWd3aW4vdGhyZWFkLmNjIGIvd2lu c3VwL2N5Z3dpbi90aHJlYWQuY2MKaW5kZXggNzA4NDY1Ny4uNDhjMmVmZCAx MDA2NDQKLS0tIGEvd2luc3VwL2N5Z3dpbi90aHJlYWQuY2MKKysrIGIvd2lu c3VwL2N5Z3dpbi90aHJlYWQuY2MKQEAgLTEyNjYsNyArMTI2Niw3IEBAIHB0 aHJlYWRfY29uZDo6d2FpdCAocHRocmVhZF9tdXRleF90IG11dGV4LCBQTEFS R0VfSU5URUdFUiB0aW1lb3V0KQogICArK211dGV4LT5jb25kd2FpdHM7CiAg IG11dGV4LT51bmxvY2sgKCk7CiAKLSAgcnYgPSBjeWd3YWl0IChzZW1fd2Fp dCwgdGltZW91dCwgY3dfY2FuY2VsIHwgY3dfc2lnX2VpbnRyKTsKKyAgcnYg PSBjeWd3YWl0IChzZW1fd2FpdCwgdGltZW91dCwgY3dfY2FuY2VsIHwgY3df c2lnIHwgY3dfc2lnX3Jlc3RhcnQpOwogCiAgIG10eF9vdXQubG9jayAoKTsK IAotLSAKMi44LjMKCg== --Multipart=_Tue__7_Mar_2017_20_43_18_+0900_WHN_arJRDl+j3mFs Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: --Multipart=_Tue__7_Mar_2017_20_43_18_+0900_WHN_arJRDl+j3mFs--
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