Mail Archives: cygwin/2011/12/09/11:10:04
On 12/09/11 06:33, Mike Brown wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 03:10:34PM +0100, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>> Better use OpenSSH
> And why would that be?
> MB
Because ssh is encrypted (WinSSHD probably is too).
Because ssh will allow you to forward X11 (WinSSHD?)
Because ssh allows you to tunnel things if you want (WinSSHD?)
Because with OpenSSH properly configured you get scp and sftp pretty
much for free.
Because ssh in Cygwin just falls into place in Cygwin and works in a
similar manner to ssh on all Linux's and Unix's.
Because you don't need to then get, install, config, update, etc. a
bunch of individualized packages all over the place!
Never understood why people do this. They get Putty (which, AFAICT,
doesn't play well with the concept of pre-shared ssh keys (in a Unix
sense) and doesn't give you scp, etc.) and then get some paid for X
server like Reflections/X or something like that, then get some WinFTP
server and WinCVS thingy, etc. Why do you want to mess with all of these
non-unix, non integrated and sometimes shell out $$ to piece together
something when all of that is available inside Cygwin and they all "play
well together"???
Andrew DeFaria <>
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