Mail Archives: cygwin/2010/12/16/18:27:45
Andrew DeFaria wrote on 2010-12-16:=20
> On 12/16/2010 02:07 PM, Johannes v. L=F6wis wrote:
>> I have a Perl/Tk script that is supposed to show a pixmap on the left
>> side of the title bar of the main window. It works on Linux and on a
>> rather old version of Cygwin 1.5.
>> On Cygwin 1.7 (on XP Home and Prof) the following happens:
>> $ ./ Can't bless non-reference value at
>> /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Tk/ line 23.
>> Any ideas or suggestions what further information I could provide
>> in order to sort this out?
> Reproduced. Note you problem appears to be with Tk::Image, not with
> Cygwin, though you are right in that it works on Linux and complains and
> dies on Cygwin.
> Interestingly, if you run your program and the Perl debugger (i.e. perl
> -d then simply type c for continue it works fine.
> Looking at I see that if I break at there's a
> "return bless $obj,$package" statement. In the debugger, $obj is defined
> and there's no problem. If, however, I just run this without the
> debugger, but put some print statements in, I see that $obj is
> indeed returned from $widget->Tk::image as undefined.
> This appears to be a Perl/Tk bug.
> Even stranger! Change your
> $mw->Pixmap('logo', -data=3D>$icon);
> to
> my $foo $mw->Pixmap('logo', -data=3D>$icon);
> and it works! So you have a work around, and a bug to report.
I also can reproduce the problem.
This behavior reminds me of a perl-Tk packaging bug from last year:
In fact, /usr/bin/widget seems to be broken again, unless you run it in the=
perl debugger:
thrall AT pc1163-8413-xp ~
$ /usr/bin/widget
Can't set -labelFont to `Courier 12 bold' for Tk::LabEntry=3DHASH(0x1067dac=
0): unknown option "-labelFont" at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cyg=
win/Tk/ line 294.
at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10/i686-cygwin/Tk/ line 306
thrall AT pc1163-8413-xp ~
$ cygcheck -cd perl perl-Tk
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version
cygwin 1.7.7-1
perl 5.10.1-4
perl-Tk 804.029-1
Bryan Thrall
FlightSafety International
bryan DOT thrall AT flightsafety DOT com
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