Mail Archives: cygwin/2010/12/01/20:24:02
> First thing: there are 2 ways to use OpenGL and GLUT under Cygwin:
through an X server and natively. As you
> ran it under Unbutu, I suspect you use the X server, but please
confirm it. I cannot deduce anything from
> your stackdump. Some applications have configure script to build with
an X server on Linux and natively on
> Windows.
> If your application goes for the native route, my package (the opengl
package) is concerned and I will try
> to help you further. In that case, you may uninstall the other
packages mentionned above to clear any
> possible (but improbable) confusion. Try some simple program first:
see if one of the native GLUT example
> programs run properly: /usr/lib/glut-examples/helloGlut.exe , then
/usr/lib/glui-examples/example6.exe .
> If they work, try rebuilding them by going to
/usr/share/doc/opengl-1.1.0/GLUTexamples and
> /usr/share/doc/opengl-1.1.0/GLUIexamples and typing "make".
> If your application goes for the X server route, I will let the
maintainers of the related packages take you
> from here. You may uninstall the opengl package to clear any possible
(again improbable) confusion.
> X related issues should be discussed on a separate list: cygwin-xfree
at cygwin dot com .
> HTH,
> André Bleau, Cygwin's OpenGL package maintainer
> Please send any questiopn or comment about the OpenGL package to
cygwin at cygwin dot com,
> not directly to me.
Hi André,
Thanks for your response. The native GLUT programs compiled and ran
fine. I've uninstalled the opengl
package but I'm still getting the segmentation fault.
Running the program in the Cygwin Bash Shell (ie, not Cygwin/X) gives
the error message
freeglut (./test): failed to open display ''
- would it be right to assume that that means it is looking for the X
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