Mail Archives: cygwin/2010/03/24/03:52:00
Problem solved.
Thank you so much for your help. Very much appreciated.
I blew away the cygwin installation and started again from scratch. Now it
works perfectly.
I took the laptop home, away from the corporate network environment which
wouldn't let me use gmail. I've turned off the firewall and virus
checkers, and am connected directly, as opposed to going through a proxy
through a (ms?) proxy.
I presume that something in that tangled security net was interfering with
the install processes, but... anyway, I've a good install and I am very
happy. (There was a win app log message complaining about a virus checker
which isn't installed.)
many thanks,
p.s. bash wasn't fixed after the 'cat -'
On Wed, 24 Mar 2010 21:44:45 +1400, Andy Koppe <andy DOT koppe AT gmail DOT com>
> John Lewis:
>> My apologies for
>> the new e-mail, I have subscribed to the mail list so that I can reply
>> properly in the future.
> Great, much better without the privacy guff.
>> This is a fresh install, with no modifications (I haven't even run
>> mkpasswd
>> yet).
>> I start bash with the desktop icon created during the installation, the
>> bat
>> file has not been modified, it does a cd to the \bin then "bash --login
>> -i".
>> The .bashrc files are untouched and contain only comments.
>> Bash is definitely Cygwin version, I have no other. I mentioned less
>> and vim
>> only to show the scope of the problem, I expect they'll work correctly
>> once
>> the backspace issue is fixed.
>> Here is my PS1 prompt:
>> \[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$
>> I tried changing the PS1 prompt to 'x' but this didn't change the
>> behaviour.
>> I've run "cygcheck -k", all keystrokes are seen and seem to have correct
>> values (backspace gives VK:0x08 VS: 0x0e A: 0x08)
>> and also "cygcheck -s -v -r", see attached.
> Thanks. I can't spot anything wrong there. Could you also post the
> output of 'stty -a'?
> Another thing to try: install the 'mintty' terminal (by rerunning
> setup.exe and selecting it in the 'Shells' category) and run it from
> the entry created in the Cygwin start menu folder. That might show
> whether it's an issue with bash or the console.
>> I think this is a clue. I did this: "cat - > fred". The keyboard
>> functions
>> correctly.
>> ! !
>> O
>> Backspace works, ctrl-U clears the line, no erased characters are in the
>> file. Even the up arrow moves the cursor up a line. When used without
>> redirection the echoed lines are correct.
> Does it still misbehave in bash after the cat?
> Andy
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