Mail Archives: cygwin/2010/03/03/00:49:26
On 3/2/2010 9:07 PM, Gary Johnson wrote:
> I have downloaded and read
> mintty-0.5.8.pdf, but I don't see a way to change the ANSI color
> palette other than to send escape sequences. I could echo the
> escape sequences in my ~/.bashrc, but mintty isn't the only terminal
> I use. I could wrap mintty in a shell script, but that seems a bit
> of a kludge. Is there some other way to configure mintty's colors
> that I'm missing?
man mintty
Most settings are chosen not through command line arguments but in the graphical options dialog, which
can be reached via the context menu
or the window menu. Settings are stored in an INI-style configuration file that by default is located
at ~/.minttyrc. This can be over-
ridden with the --config command line option. Settings are written to the file whenever the OK or
Apply buttons are pressed in the
options dialog.
The following sections explain the settings on each pane of the options dialog. For each setting, its
name in the config file is shown in
parentheses, along with its default value, e.g. Columns=80. For multiple-choice settings, the value
representing each choice in the con-
fig file is shown.
Settings affecting mintty's appearance.
Clicking on one of the buttons here opens the colour selection dialog. In the config file,
colours are represented as comma-sepa-
rated RGB triples with decimal 8-bit values (i.e. ranging from 0 to 255).
- Foreground (ForegroundColour=191,191,191)
- Background (BackgroundColour=0,0,0)
- Cursor (CursorColour=191,191,191)
Use system colours instead (UseSystemColours=0)
If this checkbox is ticked, the Windows-wide colour settings are used instead of the colours
chosen above. (These are the same
colours as used for example in Notepad.)
Transparency (Transparency=0)
Window transparency level, with the following choices:
- Off (0)
- Low (1)
- Medium (2)
- High (3)
- Glass (-1)
The Glass option is only available on Vista and above with desktop compositing enabled. To make this
reasonably usable, the glass colour
needs to be set to be as dark as possible in the Windows control panel: choose Personalize from the
desktop context menu, click on Window
Color, turn the color intensity up to the maximum, show the color mixer, and turn the brightness down
to black.
Opaque when focused (OpaqueWhenFocused=0)
Enable to make the window opaque when it is active (to avoid background distractions when
working in it).
Cursor (CursorType=2)
The following cursor types are available:
- Block (0)
- Underscore (1)
- Line (2)
Enable cursor blinking (CursorBlinks=1)
If enabled, the cursor blinks at the rate set in the Windows Keyboard control panel.
Settings controlling text display.
Font selection
Clicking on the Select button opens a dialog where the font and its properties can be chosen.
In the config file, this corresponds
to the following entries:
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