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Date: | Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:33:32 -0800 (PST) |
From: | Ilguiz Latypov <ilatypov AT infradead DOT org> |
Subject: | execute a file in backslash notation from shell |
To: | cygwin AT cygwin DOT com |
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--0-187882290-1265996012=:90708 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii It never occurred to me that shells are unable to execute their first word in the Windows native backslash format, $ 'c:\cygwin\bin\echo.exe' test bash: c:\cygwin\bin\echo.exe: command not found $ ls -la 'c:\cygwin\bin\echo.exe' -rwxr-xr-x 1 ilatypov Domain Users 48128 2008-12-17 17:16 c:\cygwin\bin\echo.exe I suspect that none of the shells was ever patched to attempt the "native Windows to POSIX" conversion on the first word of the command line. Ideally, the patches would not be necessary had the shells used a filename translation/detection/manipulation API. But Posix does not seem to provide a complete API for this. Alternatively, the shells could attempt to execute the first word as a program through the exec..() family of C library calls. Instead, bash and pdksh execute the first word of the command line in the following cases. (a) The first word has forward slashes. (b) Concatenation of the first word against elements of PATH points (probably, with addition of default suffixes) to an existing file. I am attaching a patch to pdksh that allows to execute the first word in backslash notation. This might be necessary for GNU make based build systems that could pass a backslash filename to SHELL as a command. --0-187882290-1265996012=:90708 Content-Type: text/plain; name="sh.exe-pdksh-5.2.14-3-abs-win-arg0.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sh.exe-pdksh-5.2.14-3-abs-win-arg0.txt" LS0tIHNoLmgub3JpZwkyMDEwLTAyLTEyIDAwOjA4OjEzLjE1NDU5MjQwMCAt MDUwMAorKysgc2guaAkyMDEwLTAyLTEyIDAwOjM2OjI3LjQ3MjgwNDAwMCAt MDUwMApAQCAtMzM5LDYgKzMzOSwxMiBAQAogIyBkZWZpbmUga3NoX3N0cnJj aHJfZGlyc2VwKHApICBzdHJyY2hyKHAsIERJUlNFUCkKICNlbmRpZgogCisj aWZkZWYgX19DWUdXSU5fXworIyBkZWZpbmUgQVJHMF9IQVNfRElSU0VQKHAp IHN0cnBicmsocCwgIi9cXCIpCisjZWxzZQorIyBkZWZpbmUgQVJHMF9IQVNf RElSU0VQKHApIGtzaF9zdHJjaHJfZGlyc2VwKHApCisjZW5kaWYKKwogdHlw ZWRlZiBpbnQgYm9vbF90OwogI2RlZmluZQlGQUxTRQkwCiAjZGVmaW5lCVRS VUUJMQotLS0gZXhlYy5jLm9yaWcJMTk5OS0wNy0xMyAxMjo1Mzo0Ni4wMDAw MDAwMDAgLTA0MDAKKysrIGV4ZWMuYwkyMDEwLTAyLTEyIDAwOjM4OjA1Ljgw OTYzMDYwMCAtMDUwMApAQCAtNTY5LDcgKzU2OSw3IEBACiAJCXJ2ID0gc3Vi c3RfZXhzdGF0OwogCQlnb3RvIExlYXZlOwogCX0gZWxzZSBpZiAoIXRwKSB7 Ci0JCWlmIChGbGFnKEZSRVNUUklDVEVEKSAmJiBrc2hfc3RyY2hyX2RpcnNl cChjcCkpIHsKKwkJaWYgKEZsYWcoRlJFU1RSSUNURUQpICYmIEFSRzBfSEFT X0RJUlNFUChjcCkpIHsKIAkJCXdhcm5pbmdmKFRSVUUsICIlczogcmVzdHJp Y3RlZCIsIGNwKTsKIAkJCXJ2ID0gMTsKIAkJCWdvdG8gTGVhdmU7CkBAIC05 ODUsNyArOTg1LDcgQEAKIAljaGFyICpmcGF0aDsJCQkvKiBmb3IgZnVuY3Rp b24gYXV0b2xvYWRpbmcgKi8KIAljaGFyICpucGF0aDsKIAotCWlmIChrc2hf c3RyY2hyX2RpcnNlcChuYW1lKSAhPSBOVUxMKSB7CisJaWYgKEFSRzBfSEFT X0RJUlNFUChuYW1lKSAhPSBOVUxMKSB7CiAJCWluc2VydCA9IDA7CiAJCS8q IHByZXZlbnQgRlBBVEggc2VhcmNoIGJlbG93ICovCiAJCWZsYWdzICY9IH5G Q19GVU5DOwpAQCAtMTIyMCw3ICsxMjIwLDcgQEAKIAlpZiAoc2VhcmNoX2Fj Y2VzcyhYc3RyaW5nKHhzLCB4cCksIG1vZGUsIGVycm5vcCkgPT0gMCkgCiAJ CXJldHVybiBYc3RyaW5nKHhzLCB4cCk7IC8qIG5vdCBYY2xvc2UoKSAtIHhw IG1heSBiZSB3cm9uZyAqLwogI2Vsc2UgLyogT1MyICovCi0JaWYgKGtzaF9z dHJjaHJfZGlyc2VwKG5hbWUpKSB7CisJaWYgKEFSRzBfSEFTX0RJUlNFUChu YW1lKSkgewogCQlpZiAoc2VhcmNoX2FjY2VzcyhuYW1lLCBtb2RlLCBlcnJu b3ApID09IDApCiAJCQlyZXR1cm4gKGNoYXIgKikgbmFtZTsKIAkJcmV0dXJu IE5VTEw7Cg== --0-187882290-1265996012=:90708 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: --0-187882290-1265996012=:90708--
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