Mail Archives: cygwin/2010/01/22/12:23:52
On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 6:01 PM, Dave Korn
<dave DOT korn DOT cygwin AT googlemail DOT com> wrote:
> On 22/01/2010 16:23, Eric Vautier wrote:
>> Let me confirm that the script has not changed at all, and used to
>> work fine under the previous version. You'll agree that arriving at a
>> C:/cygdrive/c/... path is a little odd, regardless of setup.
> =A0Nope, it's actually entirely sensible! =A0Because ":" is not a drive-l=
> separator in Linux; it's a separator between path-list components, like "=
;" is
> under DOS.
> =A0So if you say "C:\foo\bar" in a path-list context, you are specifying =
a list
> of two paths: "C" and "\foo\bar". =A0Cygwin (or whatever utility is doing=
> work) translates each one separately and then reconcatenates them. =A0"C"=
in DOS
> is a relative path to any subdirectory called "C" in the current dir; that
> stays the same in unix syntax. =A0"\foo\bar" in DOS is an absolute path r=
> to the root of the current drive, which, being your C drive, translates i=
> /cygdrive/c/foo/bar. =A0These two are then reconcatenated into a path list
> separted by colons.
> =A0The older version was buggy in this regard, it handled dos paths corre=
> at the expense of making a mess of colon-separated posix-style path lists
> sometimes. =A0That's why the behaviour has changed, because posix compati=
> wins out over windows compatibility as a design goal of cygwin, and that'=
s why
> there's now a warning, to let you know that what you are doing is not goi=
ng to
> work how you want it to.
Right :)
So essentially, I have a broken script now, that used to work fine.
Remains the challenge: how to fix it for non-buggy 1.7.
FYI, the "faulty but perfectly logical" path in one of the two
failures (I'll try to trace the other one as well) was arrived at
0. Invocation from sh (mid-script):
ant clean get-common debug
1. Output of build script:
C:\dev\prj\app4\AndroidApp\build.xml:343: Warning: Could not find file
C:\cygdrive\c\dev\prj\app4\Common\target\Common.jar to copy.
2. Build target (lines 342-344):
<target name=3D"get-common">
<copy file=3D"${common-jar}" todir=3D"libs" />
3. Properties:
<property name=3D"common" location=3D"${env.APP4_COMMON_ROOT}" />
<property name=3D"common-jar" value=3D"${common}/target/Common.jar" />
4. Environment variable:
APP4_COMMON_ROOT =3D C:\dev\prj\app4\Common
Typing "ant clean get-common debug" works fine from the command line.
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